Chapter Three, Part One - The Party

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, of course, I did. Let's just go already. I'm assuming you have a ride to get there?"

"I have my car. I parked it a few houses down so your parents wouldn't get suspicious."

I was a little surprised at that, and it must've shown on my face since I could see a small smile tug at the corner of Hazel's face. "O-Oh- thank you," I mumbled.

Hazel gave a simple nod in reply and we were soon on our way to his car and to the party.


Both of us arrived at the party and I stared nervously at the house. Once we stepped out, it was obvious how loud the music from inside was playing. Teens, a few of whom I recognized from school, were scattered outside and crowded inside, every single one of them drunk. I fidgeted with the sleeve of the hoodie Hazel was letting me borrow. He must've noticed because he looked at me, and I swear I saw a look of concern flash across his face.

"We can go if you want. You don't have to be here. I can just say you got sick."

I shook my head, a look of determination appearing on my face. "I can do this."

I can't do this.

"You just have to stick with me during the party and you'll be fine, although I have to talk with some friends real quick before going inside. You should wait for me where all the drinks are."

I stared at him. We hadn't even stepped inside of the house and he was already abandoning me? I guess I shouldn't expect much more from Hazel, though. "Okay, I got it. Promise it'll only be a few minutes?" I realized how childish I must've sounded, but I couldn't help it. I was scared. Really scared.

I nodded. "No drinking for you, okay?" He said before walking off to a small group of people. I nodded, walking inside and straight to where the drinks were in the kitchen. I sat down on a stool at the counter, the smell of alcohol filling my nostrils. It was disgusting.

After a few minutes of waiting for Hazel, a guy who looked to be about 18 walked up to me. At first, I thought he was just there to get a drink, but then he looked at me. "You gonna get anything?"

I shook my head. "Er, no, sorry. I don't drink."

He tilted his head. "Really? Why?"

"Alcohol kills brain cells, that's why."

"You should try some." 

"What? No."

"C'mon, I'll even prepare it for you. You don't wanna be the kid that never tried alcohol before, right? That wimp?"

I could feel myself tense. I didn't want to be that kid, but I didn't want to drink. Who knows what would happen. "No thank you."

"Just a sip?"

I just wanted this guy to leave me alone. Maybe if I tried some he would walk away? After contemplating for a moment, I had my answer. "Okay, but only a sip. Don't make it too strong please."

The guy looked at me with a smirk. "Look away. It'll be a surprise." I didn't have much choice since he kind of forced my head to turn the other way as he made the drink. He soon handed me a plastic red cup full of an unknown combination of drinks. It reeked and I hated it all. I glanced at the guy who was smiling, urging me to drink it. After about 20 seconds of hesitation, I put the cup up to my lips, tilting it upwards slightly. I took a sip, the drink sliding down my throat. My face scrunched up. It burned, and I hadn't expected that. I almost choked but calmed myself.

"Drink more," the guy said- no. He ordered me to with an intimidating tone. I was flimsy and knew that if I didn't obey, he'd hurt me. I didn't want to be hurt tonight. I quickly obeyed, drinking a little more, the burning sensation seeming to intensify. 

"More." The guy ordered once again.

I ended up drinking three cups of that substance, losing my sensibility. I ended up playing beer pong and other activities involving alcohol and I eventually ended up completely wasted. I danced in the crowd, completely forgetting that the latest I planned to be out was 10:00. 

It was 11:30.

I was so lost in the dancing, the bodies of others bumping into me. I didn't care. The normal Tobias Robinson would be on the floor crying and having a mental breakdown because he wasn't home.

This wasn't the normal Tobias Robinson.

At some point, an arm was wrapped around me. It was a muscular, warm arm and I didn't know who it belonged to. I didn't know until I looked up at the owner.


It was Hazel, and he didn't look particularly happy to see me this drunk.

"What did you do, Toby? You still have to go home, remember? Your parents?"

"Fuck them."

Hazel gave me a surprised look. Everyone knew that I never cursed. "Toby, let's go."

"Don't touch me."

"Toby, we have to go. You're so wasted right now, and your parents' are gonna be able to tell."

"It's your fault."

"What is?"

"I'm wasted because you left me and never came back! You lied to me! Fucking liar! Get away from me before I rip your arm off!"

I swore I could've seen a flash of hurt in Hazel's eyes.

"Toby, no. I didn't come back because I was dealing with something. I didn't mean to lie. Let's go."

I didn't realize it, but I was now crying. The realization that my parents were going to be home had finally hit me, and I was scared. "We have to get back to my place, Hazel! Please take me back quickly!"

He gave me a nod, picking me up bridal style. He knew I was in no condition to walk straight.

He drove me home, having to stop at one point so I could throw up. I was absolutely terrified when we arrived at my house, but I stepped out and went up to the door as Hazel drove away. I knocked, waiting for the door to open.

It did.


The next chapter will be the party in Hazel's POV.

Tea shall be s p i l l e d.

Dr. Phil will be a m a z e d.

Anyways, I'll shut up now. Bye!

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