"What did you get him?" 

"Just some random things I found that I thought he'd like," Naruto said not caring too much.
You sigh, "I guess I need to get him something too," you made a detour to the nearest shop to your right leaving Naruto.
"Oh, you don't have to—y-y/n?" Naruto looked around but you were nowhere to be found. "Uhh, y/n! Where did you go?" Naruto felt a tap on his back,
"I'm right here you dope, C'mon." You led him into the shop.

 You scanned the aisles looking for something that caught your eye. "Y/n if we stay here any longer we'll be late," Naruto said warningly. You shake your head in a disappointed manner, "You of all people should know that it's the usual Hatake fashion to arrive late." Naruto sighed, "I guess." 

 You caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of your eye. You walked towards it and found a figurine that looked exactly like Akamaru, "This," you said and grabbed it immediately. "I'll give him this," you showed Naruto the dog figurine and he gasped, "that looks exactly like Akamaru," he said excitedly.
"Do you think he'll like it?"
"Of course he will!" Naruto grabbed the box and looked around for a gift bag. He found it and handed it to the cashier,
"that'll be ¥3,807 yen." You paid and left the shop.

  Naruto checked the time before he exited the store, "great, now we're 20 minutes late," he said. You chuckled, "20 minutes is nothing."
"Yeah I know, an hour is usual for you," he said. "Oh! That's his house," Naruto ran towards the small home. He knocked three times and waited for the door to open. You subconsciously hid slightly behind Naruto as Kiba opens the door. 

 "Naruto! You're here! I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up— Y/n?" Kiba looked to Naruto's side, "Hello," you said dryly.
He smiled, "Hi! Come inside guys, we were just eating and chatting, oh you can leave the gifts at the table right there!" Kiba pointed to the table filled with presents across the door.
"Ohh! There's food!"
"Yeah pick whatever you want," Kiba said.

You walked inside the house and saw the usual Naruto crew, "Oh hey Naruto," Choji greeted him.
"We were starting to think that you ditched us," Shikamaru added and looked to Naruto's side. "And you're here too, y/n, hey," he said.
"Hi," you replied.
"Y/n? You're here!" Ino looked at you, "oh and you look so cute too, you should have your hair like that every day," Ino said cheerfully.
"Er... thanks." 

 Naruto took a seat at the table and you sat next to him. You looked around and caught Sakura's eye and she glared at you, you sweatdropped. You knew she still didn't trust you.

Hey, that girl's scary.

Oh shut it Genso don't you sense her chakra, she's weak.

Yeah I know I just don't like the way she's looking at us.

Oi! shut up in there!

Oooh, scary y/n has come out, quick Genso run!

Cut the crap Kanashimi.

Or what?

Or I'll cut the food supply 

No don't 

You wouldn't do that

Why wouldn't I 

Because you care too much for this stupid village and you wouldn't want it to go through another tragedy 

No kanashimi—

You can't do that, I've learned to control you

Poor y/n, you're living in an illusion you've set for yourself. You haven't seen my full potential, our full potential.

Are you saying we—

Hush Genso. All she needs to know is that we'll take what's ours. It's only a matter of time

Both of you stop, I won't let you do it

"Right y/n," Naruto asked. 

Oh no, You weren't paying attention 

"Huh?" You snapped back into reality and noticed everyone's attention towards you. "You helped me train," Naruto clarifies. 

"Oh yeah," you said. 

"Really! That must have been a pain in the ass. Naruto doesn't understand other people's limits," Kiba said.

"What?! Yes, I do," Naruto remarked.

"Every training partner you've had has been overwhelmed with you!"

"Well, they're just not strong enough to handle, Naruto Uzumaki!"

"Yeah sure," Ino says sarcastically. "Anyway, this is a question that we all have been wondering and y/n I want to hear it from you." You direct your attention to her to let her know your listening. 

"Are you and Naruto dating?"

DATING! As if anyone would like her.

That's mean... 

You almost choked on some spit but luckily held it back without anyone noticing. "N-no!" 

"WHAT! Why would any of you think that?"  Blood began to rise to Naruto's cheeks.

"You're not? Well, that's a bummer—" Ino said. 

"BUMMER!? No that's great! I-I mean, S-sorry Naruto," Kiba added

"We thought you guys were dating because you were always with each other but I guess Naruto is just bothering you, y/n," Tenten said. 

"No it's not like that, I have to be around her. It was Tsunade's orders and Kakashi Sensei still wants me to comply with them," Naruto said trying to defend himself. The group looks at you to agree with what Naruto just said and you gave a simple nod. 

"Oh yes that does make sense, sorry we came to this conclusion without consulting the two of you," Lee said. 

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