7:The Anbu

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You flew your pillow to the ground and hopped off.


No response

Hey...you did the right thing.

I guess I was wrong


You're the one with an ugly heart Genso, you only care for yourself and you Kanashimi deep down in that horrendous heart of yours is a real softie.


I'm not taking that back

Fuck you

You sigh and you look at the sky, it was a beautiful, sunny day the birds were chirping and the light breeze was hitting your face. You closed your eyes and inhaled the fresh air and for a second you were at peace, oh how you wish you had enjoyed it for a little while longer.

Your eyes open and you were surrounded by an Anbu black ops team. Fuck. You saw 5 masked men, they caught you off guard.

"Y/n Hatake, come with us and don't retaliate or we'll kill you," One of them said in an assertive tone.

You stood there without saying a word, you couldn't go back. Pain started to flood your body, you used Kakanashimi's and Genso's chakra for the explosion earlier, you ignored it, you had bigger fish to fry right now.

Y/n you have to go, now!

No, I'm tired of my voice not being heard, YOU ARE GOING TO GO WITH THEM AND THAT'S FINAL!

A sharp pain filled your body

Genso stop that we need to go!

Shut up Kanashimi

The pain worsened and you fell to your knees. Kanashimi was trying to control your body and Genso started as well. "Argh, get away, I'm warning you, you'll get hurt." You growled at the Anbu.

The Anbu members looked at each other "We're not going anywhere"

Chakra started to appear all over your body, it wasn't the normal kind, it was kanashimi's and Genso's

The Anbu didn't hesitate to attack immediately they started a variety of hand signs

Stop there's too much chakra, your going to hurt them

Argh well tell kanashimi to let me take control

No, you can't, I'm going to blow them up

No stop-

Chakra was flooding all over your body. You could feel the heat rise and you knew what was coming. No, i can't let this happen. At the very last second, you formed a dome around yourself in hopes to not injure the Anbu.


I can't hurt the Anbu, kanashimi

Y/n stop-

The explosion grew and you took the full hit of it. Your dome shattered and the Anbu found you in a huge hole surrounded by smoke, and unconscious. Your whole vision warped, you found yourself too weak to move or fight. There was a huge ringing in your ear, you hated moments like these, times where you felt so vulnerable, after you escaped the Akatsuki you promised yourself to never be as vulnerable as that. But, right now you couldn't help it you couldn't move you felt trapped in your own mind, like the time you were with Kanashimi and Genso after the first encounter. But there was something different about this time, you didn't seem to be as aware as last time and Kanashimi and Genso were not accompanying you. This place...or whatever it was, it felt calming, like no one can hurt you in here.

'Is this what dying feels like? If this is death then maybe, just maybe, I'm okay with it. It feels like that so-called runners high except for all the energy and exhaustion that comes with it. What is the point of life if I have no one else to enjoy it with, why should I give a damn about surviving another day? None of this matters, no one cares about me, I have done nothing remarkable. So why do I try? Well to put it simply, I do not know.' A memory came floating back in your mind, a happy one back when you were around 3 years old.

Deep in Konoha, children's laughter could be heard

"Haha shh, Akio you'll get us caught," said a girl with silver hair

"Hehe, okay, okay, move over Eichi, I'm getting squished." Said a boy with red markings on his face

"I can't, it's too cramped in here." replied the boy in the corner with the circular glasses.

The three children were hiding behind a huge pile of boxes with only a small hole to peer out of. One can only assume they were up to no good, the only sensible answer to what they were up to is that they were trying to use the element of surprise. On who? Well, maybe the silvered hair Jounin that knew about their presence even before he entered the building.

"Is he coming? Can you see him?" The girl said

"No, I don't think he's here yet." Said the boy with strange markings on his face and messy brown hair, he was looking through the hole.

"Ugh, let me-"

The boxes were blasted away leaving the group to be exposed. Their heads popped up and scanned the room searching for the cause. Their eyes soon landed on the jounin that was standing right next to them.

"Aww, come on we didn't even notice you!" Said the boy with brown hair

"Yeah, come on sensei, you have to teach us how to hide." The kid with the glasses said.

You noticed he was smiling even under that mask

"Yes, yes of course but it's lunchtime, let's get going"

"Oh yeah, okay!" The girl yells

And they walked off, this is where the memory faded.

The Shinobi Behind The Mask(Naruto x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz