Zero: "Why would we do that, we have slept in the same franxx for 3 months, whats the hang up now?"

Neva: " We could get in trouble, the type of relationship we have is not allowed here!"

Zero: " So you don't want to be together anymore"

Neva: "No that's not, uhh, nevermind lets go"

I grin smugly at that, but I guess she saw because next I felt a punch to the arm. We quickly walk down the halls looking for a room without a name tag in the boys wing, eventually we found a empty room and entered.

Neva: " Looks like it has never been used in years"

Zero:"yea, Its where the old squad used to live"

The room was relatively nice it had 2 pairs of bunk beds on a slightly higher place with steeps connecting it to the lower floor,the lower floor had a table with some chairs and a cabinet. There were pictures everywhere, I can only assume they are the old squad. I say its nice but at this point anywhere other than the franxx is nice. We hear a loud knock on the door.

???: "I know you two are in there, you makin yourselves comfortable?"

Dr.Franxx comes in the door, he is seemingly delighted to see us, I cant believe im thinking this but I miss that old pervert.

Dr.Franxx: "How was your time way?"

Neva: "Could have been better"

Zero: "But it worked out because we had eachother"

I look over at Neva after saying that and she has a bright red blush,

Dr.Franxx:" Hahaha, Anyway I should get you introduced to squad 13"

Zero: "No, we will introduce ourselves tomorrow morning during breakfast"

Dr.Franxx: "Ok, and try to be nice to them"

Zero: "I will try"

Time skip till the morning

POV change

3rd person

Hiro is walking back from burying the bird.

Ichigo:"Are mew from around here?"

Hiro: "Ichigo"


Hiro:"You don't have to wait out here for me."

Ichigo: Its your fault for running of first thing in the morning. Awkward as it is, you're staying here now. Hold your head high, and make yourself at home"

Ichigo walks closer to hiro.

Ichigo: "I heard Naomi was all right. She got taken to the hospital."

Hiro: "Yeah I heard"

Hiro goes to walk inside, but is interrupted by ichigo saying one last thing.

Ichigo: " Where you the one piloting that FRANXX?"

Hiro:" I don't really remember. So I want to ride it again to make sure"

Ichigo: "Again? That girl isn't part of our squad, you know."

Hiro: "I don't care , as long as I get to pilot,"

Ichigo:" I heard the rumors about her. None of her partners could ever ride with her more than three times. They didn't make it out alive. I don't know if that's true or not, but I think you should stay away from her."

Hiro:" But If I can't pilot, im as good as dead anyway."

Ichigo: "...Hiro"

Hiro walks up to the door and it is opened by Goro

Goro: "Hey, Hiro. Get inside quick. That girl and two others in cloaks are in our mess hall."

POV change


We are in the mess hall getting holes in our cloaks from the pearcing gaze, Most is just curious looks, but the poor girl on the other side of the table is getting some death glares as she poors honey all over her food, I do the same but not as much, we have a bit of a sweet tooth ourselves. I look over at the table with the parasites, the red hair one looks like she is going to puke, as the pink hair girl is putting honey covered food in her mouth.

???: "Why is she still here?"

???:"What a strange person."

That pissed me off calling someone strange, I clench my fist, as I do I feel a small soft hand grab mine.

Neva:" Shhh, Calm down, we don't want to leave a bad impression"

Zero: "Fuck giving a bad impression, They shouldn't treat her like that"

Neva: "please calm down it will all be fine."

I just grab her hand tighter in a response and she does the same.

???:"I wonder if she likes sweets"

???: " She's not a person. Not with those things on her head"

I smack the table with my hand in a rage, crushing the plate. They all look over at the loud noise, I stand up to leave .

Neva:" Please stay, don't go"

I just look at her, and walk out the door with blood dripping from my hand. Neva gets up to Follow.

POV change


I look over at the smashed plate and sigh, I look harder at it and see a trail of black blood? I wonder who they were. I look over at miku after she says that girl is not a person, as much as I don't like that girl she saved us, I guess I should stop that.

Me: "Cut it out, She's our savior, you know."

Ikuno:"Do you think she really has Klaxosaur blood and what about the other two I saw white horns on one. Besides, I thought nobody had single digit codes, but those three come in and Dr says they all have one digit numbers."

POV change


After the two in the corner left we all just stared at ZeroTwo.

Futoshi:"She's nothing like the rumors said."

Goro:"She's ruining her good looks with the way she's eating, the white haired girl had some good looks too, I wonder what they stormed off for"

Me:" Yeah the guy looked like he was bleeding maybe that's why, I can't believe her injuries healed so quickly"

Zerome walks over to Zerotwo and starts talking to her.

POV change ZeroTwo

???: "Hey, there"
A little boy walks up to me and starts talking but I just ignore him and continue eating.

???:" It was a real treat to watch your skills in action, I, Zorome the great, shall graciously ride with you if you so desire, Im sure I can do a much better job than that wuss, why don't we try...Eek!"

I wipe my hand off on his uniform, he could never be as good as darling, even the temporary darling is not close to him. The other man over in the corner that left was reeking of magma energy much more than me, but It seemed familiar and almost comforting.

Zorome:"Aw.... my sunday best!!"

I get up and walk over to "Darling" and sit next to him

Me:"This is really nice and sweet, Lets eat together ok?"

"Darling":"Tell me, Did I actually manage to pilot back then?"

I lick my finger and look at him.

Me:"you sure did, You were incredible" Not as good as the True Darling, But its fine for now. "Darling"

I miss him, I wonder what he would think of me now, throwing away people to find him, would he hate me or love me?

A/N I would like you guys to vote on to




My votes love but I want to see yours.

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