Asylum Visit

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y/n pov

I sat alone in my room, I was always in my room, dad didn't really like when I left my room. I was drawing a body with a knife in it, I was kinda fucked up, I thought about killing a lot, my mom works at an asylum but she didn't really care what I did. Suddenly I heard someone walking up to my door and I closed my sketchbook and braced ready for my dad to burst in and start beating me like always, the door opened gently, I was surprised to see my mom poke her head in my room.

"Hey hun, I'm gonna be going to the asylum soon and I was wondering if you wanted to come," She said sweetly.

"oh, uh, sure!" I said remembering dad would be home any minute, he had gone out partying witch meant he would come back drunk and that's the last thing I need. We soon got to the asylum, I had gone there a few times before but not too many, we went inside and walked into moms office.

"Alright, you can go wounder around for a bit, but do not talk to the patients unless they are in a room and there's a door between you, and don't open the doors for any of them," my mom said sitting in her chair, I nodded and walked out of the room, I was wandering the asylum for a while until I came across a door that had a huge 'DO NOT ENTER' sign. I peeked through the window to see a hallway with another door at the end, I looked around to see if there was anyone around and there was no one, I opened the door and slipped inside. I walked over to the other door and I could hear someone laughing on the other side, it was not a normal laugh though, he sounded insane. The window on the door was barred off the door was incredibly thick, whoever was on the other side of the door they really didn't want him out. I peaked in through the barred off window and I saw a teenaged boy around my age, he was sitting in the corner of a small room with nothing in it, his white hoodie was blood-stained, his hair was black and charred, his skin looked white and burnt. When he lifted his head I could see a smile was cut into his face, his eyes were white and seemed to hold a lot of pain, his head turned slightly and he looked right at me, his hand moved up to his chest and he formed a heart as he looked at me.
(preview ends here!) 
He then stood up, he was fairly taller then I was, he walked over to the door and looked at me through the window, part of me wanted to run for my life but the other part wanted me to stay and try to talk to him.

"um.. s..sorry, I didn't mean to b..bother you, I'll go," I said and turned to walk away.

"Wait," his voice was deep and kinda hot, it sent chills down my spine and I froze in place for a second as I heard it, I turned to look at him. "Stay, I haven't been able to talk to anyone since I got here," he said in almost a demanding voice.

"O...OK," I said as I turned and walked back to the door. 

"What's your name?" he asked looking me in eye.

"y/n, and yours?" I asked.

"Jeff, what are you doing here, you don't look mentally ill," he stated.

"My mom works here, I'm here with her," I said gesturing to the direction of my mom's office.

"Ok, can you read?" He asked.

"um, yes," I said kinda confused.

"Then why did you come in here, there's a huge 'DO NOT ENTER' sign on the door," He said.

"Oh, ya, I didn't really care, a sign can't stop me from going places," I spoke glancing back at the door behind me.

"Heh, I like you," He said, I looked past him into the small room he was in, I noticed that in blood on the walls it said 'kill' and 'ha' all over the place.

"You got some interesting wall decor," I said pointing to the walls behind him, he turned to look at the walls behind him, he walked over to the wall and on a blank area, he ran his hand down it leaving a trail of blood.

"Thank you," he said with a small chuckle, he walked back to the door. I heard my mom calling for me and I panicked slightly.

"I have to go!" I told him as I turned to start walking away.

"Wait!" he called grabbing the bars he had as a window. I turned to look at him, his eyes suddenly were filled with sadness and what seemed like want. "You'll come back again tomorrow? right?" He said in almost a begging tone.

"Sure, if I'm allowed to," I said with a small smile. he smiled back and made a heart with his hands again, I did the same and then left to find my mom.

a/n there we go, chapter one done! I hope you guys enjoyed it, bye-bye, my pups! ^^

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