Chapter 13

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After Tony left, Loki began to think about everything. He just want everything to return back to normal. They said that he was controlled and he was forgiven in Midgard and Asgard for what he has done. He repeated the conversation between him and Tony. Thor is still treating him like a brother, the other avengers treated him as if he is one of them. Do they will accept him now after knowing that he remembered everything? Tony told him that they still love him and accept him the way he is. But how everyone will treat him now? He doesn't want to be that mean guy.

"Jarvis, where are the others? " Loki asked.

"They are having dinner, Sir. Would you like me to send someone to you? "

"No,  thank you. " Loki said.

He changed his clothes and decided to go and have dinner with them and see what will happen. If they don't want him here he can leave and find a new place.

The avengers were having dinner. No one was talking, they were looking worriedly at Thor who was looking at the plate without touching it.

Tony saw Loki standing at the door. His smile widened and motioned for him to enter. When Loki entered, their eyes were om him. He kept playing nervously with hands and didn't know what to do.

Thor stood up and looked at Loki "Brother, you came to join us? " he asked hopefully.

Loki stepped forward and hugged Thor tightly without saying anything and started to cry.

Thor hugged him back as if he was afraid to lose his brother
"I'm sorry Loki. I couldn't protect you many times. I'm sorry. "

"B-but I-I ----"

"No Loki, it wasn't your fault. Don't you talk about anything happened. " Thor said.  "And you are my brother no matter what happened. " he continued.

Loki looked at him with tearful eyes and nodded.

Thor wiped his tears, and smiled at him .

"Me and you against the world . I will always have your back. " Thor's smile widened more when Loki smiled at him.

"That's amazing , that's amazing! Welcome back Loki. " Tony said cheerfully, like a proud father.  "And now let's eat pizza happily! " he clapped his hands together.

"Brother, you will like this Midgardian food ! " Thor said excitedly.

Loki looked at the other avengers and they smiled at him

"It's good to have you back Loki. " Steve said.

This encouraged him to join them and sat beside Thor.

He eyed the pizza and took a bite from a slice, it was amazing! He finished it all.

He now knows that he had gain friends who will still be with and love him just the way he is. He was grateful for them im his life.

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