Chapter 2

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In shield facility :

The Tesseract shook the entire facility. The Tessaract energy formed a beam, which formed a Vortex, then a portal to  space appeared. And everything became quiet, there was a figure  kneeling on the platform, smoke coming off it, It was Loki. He looked at Fury, Barton and Selvig. He stood up, holing the scepter.

"Sir, please put down the spear!" Fury said.

Loki looks at his spear then suddenly points it at where Fury and Barton are standing and shot out  a blue light towards  them. Barton tackled Fury and they both barely miss Loki's fired shot. Machine guns were fired at loki but they couldn't shoot him. Loki used his scepter, energy blasted from it and all the shield agents were on the floor. He took control of Barton and other shield agents. Fury took the Tessaract and put it in its case and tried to leave the lab.

"Please don't, I still need that. " Loki said quietly.

Fury turned to him "This doesn't have to get any messier. "

"Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."


In Manhattan city, the Chitauri were attacking it, explosions were everywhere.

Loki walked onto the balcony of Stark's tower, he was pleased about what was happening.

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!" Thor said as he landed on the tower.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!"

And they started to fight each other. Thor holds down Loki's face straight ahead, forcing him to watch the city falling to ash.

"Look at this! Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?"

Loki tried to turn away " It's too late. It's too late to stop it."

"No, we can together. " Loki looked at him with hope but then he stabbed him. Thor kneeled over but then he got up and beat Loki, slammed him down hard until he was bleeding.


Hawkeye fired an arrow at Loki,  Loki grabbed it easily but it exploded in his face. Loki crashed into the Stark's penthouse pad. Loki was shocked at what happened . The Hulk kicked Loki and he collapsed when he hit the wall . The hulk jumps in ready to attack but Loki rolled himself up.

"ENOUGH! YOU ARE, ALL OF YOU ARE BENEATH ME!  I AM A GOD, YOU DULL CREATURE,  AND I WILL NOT BE BULLIED" Loki shouted but The Hulk grabbed him by the legs and smashed him against the floor repeatedly, then he threw him aside to the ground. Meanwhile the other avengers were able to defeat the Chitauri.

Loki crawled onto the stairs , the avengers were behind him, he raised his arms and smiled weakly at them.

"You won finally. " he said but in a small voice.

Tony looked at him confused and before he can say anything , Thor grabbed Loki and they went to put him in a cell until they go back to Asgard to face his punishment.

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