Chapter 6

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During his whole life Loki had suffered a lot, most of it was violence. He didn't trust anyone, he didn't have any friends or anything. His life was a total lie, he was meant to be dead before Odin took him, his own father abandoned. He was just Thor's shadow, o fcourse he loved his brother but he wanted to do something good but he couldn't because he was just the monster. Before the events of Midgard, Loki was tortured badly, he was controlled easily, nobody was there to help him, he kept calling for his family but nobody came to him.

When Odin saw the condition of his son. He approached Thor , tears streamed down his cheeks, trembling hands reached out and touched the pale skin. It was all his fault, he couldn't keep his son safe. Everybody in Asgard knew that it wasn't Loki's doing on Midgard, and the trickster has suffered enough . Any crime he had committed had been forgiven. There was a big funeral for him. On Midgard, Tony Stark showed the authorities the videos of Loki, told them that he was controlled, the evidences that he was tortured . Loki was also forgiven on Midgard. Everybody knew about the way he died.

It has been one year since Loki died. Thor didn't stay in Asgard instead he was in Midgard, he was unable to cope with the idea that his brother had died. He was eating too much, fighting and training violently, he wasn't the same old Thor. His teammates tried to be there for him. Tony told the avenegers how they found Loki and what happened to him, he started to have his own nightmares. When he told them it was obvious that everyone of them was trapped in his own mind.


The avengers were sitting in Stark's tower, today was the day of Loki's death. Thor was in his floor. They were arguing about something, suddenly a light appeared and then faded. They found a teen or man in his early twenties. Obliviously he was reading a book. The teen looked up and found people in front of as if waiting to attack him if he do something. He looked at his surrounding.

"Where the hell I am? " he asked but nobody answered, they were just looking at him.

"Are you..... " Steve was about to ask something.

"Yes i am Loki Prince of Asgard. And i think father won't like the situation that I am in it now. "

"Loki? " Tony said questionably.

"Yes Loki. Didn't you hear me? " Loki rolled his eyes.

"I think i'm not in Asgard right now. " he looked around himself.

"This is Earth, i mean Midgard? " Bruce said.

"Jarvis, tell Thor to come here immediately. " Tony said.

"Yes sir. " Jarvis replied.

Loki was startled from this sound "Where is that came from ? Is that place haunted?" he said. " And wait did you say Thor, how do you know me and my brother, mortals? "He demanded.

Suddenly a man came in the living room "Is there is a mission? " he asked but it was obvious that he was sad.

Loki looked at the man, he look exactly like Thor but his hair was cut . If Loki wasn't Thor's brother, he will mistaken this man as another Odin's son.

Nobody answered Thor but he looked at the direction they were looking at and he gasped

"Loki??!! " he asked hopefully.

"Yes prince Loki of Asgard , Odin son. I will introduce myself again. And who are you? " Loki said , rolling his eyes.

"I'm Thor, brother. This is a miracle. " Thor said and took a step toward Loki to hug him but Loki took a step back.

"Wait . You're not Thor, I don't believe you." Loki said coldly.  "Thor was with me this morning and he had long hair, maybe you look like him but you can't fool me. "

"Well Loki it has been a .... " Clint said but Tony looked at him warningly so he didn't continue.

"Brother, I'am Thor. " Thor looked like a kicked puppy.

"If you are Thor as you are saying. Tell me something only me and Thor know. " Loki raised his eyebrow at him.

Thor kept thinking and remembered something . He looked at everyone then sighed and said " My Mjlonir was stolen before and I dressed as a lady to have it back. " he said embarrassingly.

Loki laughed " aha , even father and mother don't know about that. You are truly Thor . " he said in disbelief.

Thor rushed to hug " Thor , you are crashing me and what is this about ? I saw you this morning. " Loki was confused, why his brother was acting like that.

"Loki , what was the last thing you remember? " Steve asked.

Loki looked at him and then looked at Thor "Are they your friends? " he asked.

"Yes . " Thor replied and intoduced them to Loki. He looked at Natasha.

"What a beautiful lady" he smiled at her and she just looked at him blankly, Clint was glaring at him and Tony snorted.

Loki returned to Steve and said " I was in my room reading as usual and then i found myself here. "

They looked at each other . It looked like Loki doesn't remember anything happened over the past two years.

"I shall catch up with Loki my friends, excuse us. " Thor was smiling widely.

"What's wrong with you? I just saw you this morning. " Loki huffed.

"Wait wait before you leave I want to know what happened when Thor dressed like a woman. " Tony said.

Thor looked at Loki and groaned "No Loki. "

But Loki just smirked " well he was sleeping, his mjolnir was stolen by someone called Thrym. We found it in Jotunheim. So, he dressed like a lady . Thrym wanted to know him but of course Thor was eating , i told him that he didn't eat in 8 days and then when he went to kiss him. "Loki laughed and continued. "He asked why her eyes are so fierce and grim, I told him that she hadn't slept for eight days. Then he placed his hammer on Thor's lap and Thor wanted to kill him but i stopped him."

After Loki finished, Tony brust out laughing and Loki was still smirking at Thor who was embarrassed by the whole thing.

"It was the only way! " Thor defended himself.

"I bit you were a beautiful lady Thor. " Natasha smirked and Clint snorted.

"Okay guys, stop making fun of him. " Steve said but he was holding his laughter.

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