Chapter 10

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The avengers were fighting Doombots. Steve flung his shield at a line of the bots and watched it slice through their centers with ease. Hawkeye was shouting arrow after arrow, hitting his targets easily. Thor was knocking out many of them.

"Brother, I am glad you are joining us in the battle! " Thor yelled.

Surprisingly Loki decided to join them, he was fighting Doombots and then flied further from them to see if there any other bots.

Tony stark had just hit a giant robot with his energy blast "Is it just me or does feel easy? "

"This seem pointless. " Natasha said while fighting.

The Hulk looked like he is having fun.

"Do we know from where they are coming from? And where is Doom, he always accompany them. " Steve said, kicking out the last robot that was in his area.

"Looks like they came alone. " Tony said, while landing next to Steve.

"It is not even called a battle. I am bored. " Thor complained.

"Finally we are finished here . " Tony said.

The avengers were gathered but they were missing someone.

Thor looked frantically around and didn't see his brother .

"Had anyone seen Loki? "

They tried to talk to him but there was no respond.

"Fuck. " Tony swore.

Tony and Thor went flying , searching for Loki but they found nothing. The rest were looking everywhere but there was also nothing. Thor wanted to kill anyone before him. How can he fail to protect his brother again? Why all of this is happening to his little brother? They convinced him to go back to the tower, hopefully to hack the cameras that were in the street.

They knew who had taken Loki . Loki was fighting the doombots , suddenly Doom hit him from the behind, knocking him with the help of the robots, then he cuffed him. Loki was unable to defend himself, couldn't use his magic.

"Thor, calm down!" Steve yelled as he watched Thor put the coffee table through the screen.

But Thor didn't listen, he was blinded by his rage. He kept throwing the furniture, thunder was booming in the air.


Then he slid down the wall, putting his hand on his face and started to cry.


Coulson saw the video when Loki was taken. He informed them that there was a flight to latveria after the attack, it was obvious that it was Doom . Coulson won't try and stop them. Thor demanded them to go now to Latveria and end Doom's life.

"Damn it. " Clint muttered "Thor, you need to calm down first. "

"What? Do you expect me to leave him? I will find Loki and kill who dared to touch him! " Thor said through gritted teeth.

"No. Let's come up with a plan first. Doom is an insane, son of a bitch. He probably has different plans just in case you come and tried to kill him. He will just disappear with Loki . " Tony said.

"In fact Tony is right , we need to come up with a plan first." Steve said.


His back was pressed to something solid, both of his arms were stretched out. There were chains wrapped around his wrists. He couldn't use his magic. He was stripped down to his underclothes, he couldn't remember how long he'd been here. Is anyone going to save him or he will die? Can Gods even die? He tried to pry his eyes open, but a thick fabric was wrapped across his eyes. He tasted blood in his mouth.

A heavy metal door screeched along the concrete as it was pushed open, and the rough thump of boots marching towards him, the footsteps stood infront of him and there were hands removing the blindfold .

"Doom is pleased to have you here . With your magic and my power, Doom can rule this world. "

"Let me out of this chains immediately! " Loki struggled, thrashing as much as the chains allowed, glaring at Doom. But the chains prevented him from using his magic.

"Doom doesn't need a sound while working, it will disturb him. "

He began to sew Loki's mouth shut. Loki was crying, he couldn't endure the pain. He made muffled whimpers, he couldn't open his mouth.

Loki wanted to scream. He wanted to yell and rage at him. He wanted to curse him.

He injected Loki with something, Loki was unconscious but he still fell the pain. Doom explained to him what he will do to him . He was insane, he wanted to know how Loki's magic is working !

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