The Ferryman

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I am a child of Hermes and Limbo and the Midway and the In-Between and every other name you can think of to describe someone who is a walker of both worlds. I am neither one nor the other. I am both. And I fluctuate between the two. I always have. I've never felt truly at home in either land. I am a traveler, and I am of both worlds.

I mean, I like them both equally, but because of that, there is no one land that sticks out to me more than the other. I never understood how people managed to have a preference. I love both and feel equally right in both. That is why I am the Ferryman. I like traveling between worlds and never settling down. I am a wanderer, traveler and adventurer. Lasting company does not suit me. I am too restless. Too hungry for the new.

I am a child of both worlds. I am at peace with being fluid and sliding back and forth. I have lived both lives, heard both stories and walked both worlds. There is no one better suited for the job of Ferryman than me! I understand both sides well enough to be useful to everyone. I understand every point and perspective. I am the ultimate arbiter and mediator. I'm a little bit of everything, the perfect balancing act!

This is the power that comes from being dynamic and unattached. I can be anywhere and everywhere. There are no strings on me. I have many homes, not just one. I am a hybrid, a "halfling". The best of both worlds. While everyone else claims, and is claimed, I like to leave my doors and options open and varied.

But I confess that it gets lonely sometimes. There are few others like me. Not many people are so dynamic and indecisive. Most find peace within one life, one place, one story, one world. They choose something. Or something chooses them. And then they settle and find their place. They find their true calling. But not I. And as someone who is a hybrid, there is never quite a group of creatures that I can fully relate to.

I am either too much of one group, or not enough. For example, if the world was hot and cold and I was half-and-half, to the hot group, I'd be too cold. And to the cold group, I'd be too hot. So yes, I see both worlds, but I completely fit into neither because traits of both worlds combine within me to make me a unique creature that doesn't really fit in anywhere. It's all a matter of perspective. It's a thin line. It gets a bit lonely at times, looking like one thing but feeling like another, and being judged as a member of the Other side by both sides.

But it is still a life I do mostly and honestly enjoy. I would not give up my job for any other. To me, the loneliness and status as a hybrid-freak are worth it, because the benefits are so much more. I can do things most others can't even dream of, and I see more than they ever could. I have so much more power, even if it goes unwanted and unrecognized. I am bound to and by nothing and no one. The ultimate freedom!

But just because the general consensus leaves me as a lonely outcast in nearly every realm of possibility, that does not cancel out the fact that I am actually stronger than all of them. Or that I have found happiness in spite of everything else. I have something they don't, and even if they don't think that something is worth having, that does not negate the fact that I have it nonetheless, if that makes any sense at all. I enjoy the secret power I hold, simply because it is mine, even if it means nothing to anyone else. As the Ferryman, I am special, and I like that.

So yes, I shall continue to be the Ferryman between realms, and the traveler across, and of, all universes, and messenger of the gods and mortals. I will continue to be that in-between go-between. Yes, the status as a hybrid can sometimes be hard, but the rewards of being able to live in both worlds outnumbers the pain, at least in my opinion. I wouldn't "settle down" because I love being ever on the go.

So no matter where you go, you may run into me, because I am everywhere all the time all at once. And if we do meet, please feel free to say hi! I'd love to talk! But if you choose not to, that is alright as well. You are bound to see me again at least a few times in your life. You can say hi to me then, if you change your mind. But until that day, I must ferry on to my next destination. I have more work to do and the day has only just begun!

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