Raveyard Smash!

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Come to the graveyard when the moon is high

All of the undead residents are drawing nigh

It's time for an undead party of epic scale

In a party like this, the fun will never fail

The ghosts will come out and sing

The zombies will rise from their graves and swing

Demons will slide out of the shadowy night

And werewolves will also stop in for a bite

But humans are not on the menu today

In fact, they are welcome to join the soiree

Not every monster is always out for human meat

And tonight, everyone is welcome to take a seat

The only requirement is to be the odd one out

Tonight, the losers and loners will get up and shout

This is a party for the outsiders and outcasts

The freaks of the world who didn't fit the script or cast

Tombstones are decorated with balloons, streamers and flowers

And the party is set to last for hours and hours

Ghostly music rises through the dark

But its harmony and melody are as sweet as a lark's

This is the night where the wild run free

Where the monsters and shadows come out to party

This is their one chance to live life as they wish

And they do it all under the safe cover of darkness

There's a warm, loving feeling buzzing all around

And wonderful smells of food and flowers abound

Excited howls, growls and hisses fill the sky

Creatures laugh, dance, sing, hug and cry

There are no boundaries in a place like this

Instead, everyone is equal in their wild bliss

Paw, hand, tail and claw are all united

For once, everyone is friendly and no one is frightened

The monster mash bash brings together the forgotten crowd

The creatures the rest of the world said were too violent, scary and loud

But here, the differences are celebrated

And joy and comradery are anticipated

Listen to how the ghouls and goblins cheer

Magic and mystery are very strong here

Skeletons make xylophones from bone

Zombies and spooks put on a show like no one has ever known

Vampires enter, sing and dance with dramatic, passionate flare

Witches and wild birds do tricks as they soar through the midnight air

Pumkinheads and jack-o-lanterns join for games and fun

And for the fairies, pixies and sprites, the magic's only just begun

Other woodland creatures and monsters spring from the trees

The undead climb up from their graves with joy and ease

Ain't no party like an undead party because an undead party never stops

Here, there is beauty even in the death, decay and rots

There's no more need to hide in fear

No while a protective shadow is here

There is nothing but joy and love

The stars and moon smile as they watch from above

The entire cemetery seems to come to alive

This is a place where everyone can thrive

But oh, look, there's the sunrise...

Though a party like this one never dies

It won't take long for the night to return

Then all the ghoulish creatures can come back out for another turn

Another night of laughter, music, joy and sound

Watch as all the many unique creatures sing, dance and play around

Snakes, spiders, birds, cats, rats and bats join the proceedings

Alongside other were-creatures, witches and wild things

Once again, everyone is having a blast

So please, won't YOU join our raveyard smash?

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