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I am not quite your guardian angel. Those don't exactly exist. At least, they don't exist in the way you might think they do. But I am your guardian of sorts. I am an old friend of yours, whom you lost not too long ago. I can see it that you still miss me, that you still mourn me, and I must say, it brings me both pleasure and pain to realize this.

I see you visit the graveyard every single day. I see you constantly trying to visit the Land of the Dead, all just to see me again. I mean, I know you do not literally leave your mortal coil behind in order to come see me, but your thoughts certainly wander away from you. It's the intent behind the action that I am so touched by. The hot tears you cry over me warm up my heart like nothing else ever could! But it hurts me too, old friend, to see you like this.

As much as I adore you, and as much as I relish your grief, it saddens me to think that I am the cause of so much of your pain. I never realized I had so much power over you. But I don't really want it. Not anymore. Not now that I know it makes you weep so hard and so often. I love you just as much as you love me, and I hate to think that I am why you cry so much. So that is why I have come here now, today. I have realized that if your love for me is strong enough to carry you all the way to the Land of the Dead, every single day, then my love for you will be strong enough to carry me to the Land of the Living.

Now, I cannot leave my undead state, just as you cannot leave your living one. But in the same way you can still visit me, I can still visit you. And trust me, my dear friend, I love you enough to cross the border between our realities. I love you enough that I can conquer even death! Sort of. Anger and unfinished business aren't the only things that can fuel a ghost. All that is required is a very intense feeling or desire, and my desire to comfort you was strong enough. After all, in a way, you are my unfinished business. How can I rest in peace until I know you live in peace?

So now, I have come to visit you just like you always visit me. I am here to watch over you, in all of the wonderful years that you have left. We may not be able to live them together the way we wanted, but I'm not planning on leaving your side ever again. I want you to live life to the fullest, live as long and happily as you can. Until you do that, my business is unfinished, so I will be here to watch over you, doing my best to help you along, even if I cannot do very much.

Oh, please, my dear friend! I miss you so deeply! And I don't just mean that I miss being able to interact with you (though that is certainly part of it). I also just miss seeing your smile, and hearing your laughter and songs. I haven't seen you happy since before my passing, and even though my passing wasn't that long ago, I still wish to see your happy face again. I miss that almost as much as I miss getting to interact with you. I miss the light you used to radiate. I understand you are grieving, but I hope to see you happy again someday.

So please, weep no longer. At least not for today. Not while I am finally here again. Maybe you cannot see me, but I can see you, and I know you can at least feel my presence. Maybe one day, I will be strong enough that we may speak again. One day, I swear to you, we will interact! But for now, I am only a feeling that you will get when you think of me. But I will still be here, now and forever. This is my promise to you, my dearest friend. Now please, smile for me and remember me fondly, for today, I am by your side once again.

AN: I just like the idea of lost loved ones visiting the people they left behind and watching over them, rather than it just being the mortals who must visit the Land of the Dead in order to reunite. Likewise, although I get why most ghosts in stories are restless and evil, I want to see some nicer ghosts for a change (outside of Casper, LOL). So here we are, a ghost who is friendly and sweet, not bitter or vengeful.

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