corbyn nodded, throwing his cigarette on the floor, then stepping on it and putting it out. "of course, and did you decide to come to visit that relative alone, after school, in an area where i have never seen you?"

"yes, i really wanted to."

"and why don't you go visit them?" asked the blonde boy, raising an eyebrow.

"now i don't want to." daniel replied, biting his lip. i am stupid.

corbyn leaned toward daniel staring at him. "liar."

"excuse me?" daniel tried to make the surprise but his cheeky cheeks began to give him away.

"we both know you're lying."

"of course not." the blush was starting to get even more noticeable.

the blonde boy got up, stood in front of daniel and the blue-eyed boy felt helpless sitting in front of him so daniel also stood up. they stood facing each other and the dyed blond's breathing became accelerated and fickle. daniel wanted to kiss him.

"why are you following me?" his voice sounded so automatic that it made daniel wonder if he was incapable of human emotions.

daniel clenched his teeth before answering. "i don't know what are you talking about."

corbyn approached him and daniel backed away cowardly until his back hit the wall of one of the buildings on the empty street. he stamped his hand against the wall next to his head, making daniel jump a little. "i don't have time for your stupid games, answer me."

games, daniel repeated in the head. you're right, corbyn, this is all a stupid game.

daniel's breathing was agitated. "i really don't know what you're talking about, i just came to visit my... someone who... "

"liar." corbyn was too close to the health of daniel's poor heart.

"it's a free city, i can walk wherever i want," daniel said trying to defend himself.

corbyn took daniel's chin, and forced him to lift his head and look at him. his hand felt warm on daniel's cold skin. the blue-eyed boy stopped breathing when he saw corbyn besson's angel face focusing all his attention on him.

a smirk filled the lips of corbyn to notice the nervousness that made daniel feel. "do you think i don't know about your little obsession with me?"

daniel almost choked on the air. obsession with corbyn besson? never. my only obsession starts with jo and ends with nah.

but corbyn had just given daniel the best excuse to explain why he seemed to be crushed on corbyn besson since cupid began without having to break cupid's rule of not telling your conquest anything about the game.

"let me go." daniel demanded, taking corbyn's wrist to pull his hand away and he succeeded, but in a matter of seconds corbyn caught daniel's two wrists and held them above daniel's head pressing them against the cold wall.

"you aren't going anywhere until you answer me." corbyn sounded determined and daniel felt very vulnerable and exposed in this position.

𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊𝐒, 𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 Ψ dorbyn [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora