Blake and Weiss' Discovery and The Monster Hive found

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Somewhere in Veil, Blake and Weiss were browsing through a series of files

"Any luck finding anything, Blake?" Weiss asks

"Nope, nothing here." Blake answers

"Maybe Mystery Inc. is having better luck than we are." Weiss said going through a series of articles and recent escaped convicts and wanted criminals

"Hmmm....what's this??" Bake says pulling up an article

" 'A series of robberies involving some sort of connection to Mystery Incorporated has started withing Coolsville asides from the recent museum robbery.' Why would someone do that kind of thing??" Weiss says

"I don't know but it further proves your suspicion of who that hooded figure was." Blake said

The two get up and run out of the building

"We need to get back to Coolsville and warn them!" Weiss says

"How long until we get there??" Blake asks while running

"I don't know." Weiss responds


Shaggy and Scooby snuck into the Old Time Mining Town after Mr. Wickles and into a large building

"Like, where'd Old Man Nutjob go?" Shaggy asks

"Ri don't know."Scooby responds.

The two tip toe around and eventually find one of The Skeleton Men. Whenthey finally notice it, they scream and take off running.

"Zoinks!! It's one of those Skeley-thingies!!!" Shaggy screams as the cowardly duo run

Scooby tripsand triggers a secret lever and reveals a secret elevator.

"Ra elevator!" Scooby says

"Like, good work, pal!" Shaggy says as he picks up Scooby and gets in the elevator with him

The elevator then goes down


Fred pulls up to the minig town n The Mystery Machine and everyone gets out just as Blake and Weiss arrive

"So what's your assessment, Velmster?" Fred asks

"This place seems harmless enough." Velma replies

"I mean regarding wether or not The Evil Masked Figure could have gotten his Randomonium from here at the mine." Fred says in response

"Oh....just thinking about Patrick. He seemed so upset when he left..." Velma replied

"Okay....and your assessment is?" Fred asks

"Love stinks...." Velma answers

"So, how did your part of the search go?" Yang asks Weiss and Blake

"Well, it went well. You won't believe who that hooded figure was though." Blake answers. 

"Okay. We need to search for Shaggy and Scooby while Fred, Daphne, and Velma are doing other things during the investigation. Come on!" Ruby said

The rest of Team RWBY follow Ruby and go to search for Shaggy and Scooby


"Wowee...looks like Clue-topia, Scoob." Shaggy says.

All of a sudden, Team RWBY came down into the area through another elevator.

"Like, hey, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, and Blake." Shaggy said. 

The 6 then decided to look around the room and see what they could find.  Shaggy and Scooby mess around with stuff in a strange fridge and turn into all kind of things. What they are currently on is Shaggy is buff and Scooby is talking normally and is a scientist

"My..god! It seems that i've become...ludicrously intelligent* Scooby says as he mixes stuff together

Team RWBY all look at eachother and sighs.

"Oh, I long for the blessfull ignorance of my former self. Chasing cats, licking my rear end, eating my own vomit Oh those ere wonderful times!!" Scooby replied 

"Check out my pecks, little man!!"  Shaggy says

"Hush now, buffoon! This is a highly combustible synthesis." Scooby said mixing moe things fom the fridge together

"What?" Shaggy asks

"I'm going to transform us back!!" Scooby snaps

"N way, geek!!! I'm gonna stay this way, forever!!" Shaggy says as he grabs and throws the chemical at a huge metal door and it explodes sending him, Scooby, and all of Team RWBY flying into the wall adjacent of the metal door

"Ow...." Ruby said

"Why the hell did Shaggy do that??" Yang asks

"I don't know...." Weiss answered

"Careful gang...." they hear Fred say just as Team RWBY gets themselves off of the wall 

Fred, Daphne, and Velma walk over and see the broken metal door

"This 'Schwrtanegian' oaf almost destroyed us!!" Scooby snaps

That gets everyone's attention and they turn around and see Shaggy and Scooby still on the wal

"Go boom!!" Shaggy said

"Oh, you are embarrassing!" Scooby says forcing one of the only remaining chemicals into Shaggy's mouth

Shaggy falls off of the wall and onto his feet and turn back to normal. Scooby drinks some of the chemical and does the same thing that Shaggy did when some of the chemical was forced into his mouth. Fall onto his feet and turns to normal

"That was almost exactly like my Freshman year in College!" Shaggy said

"What are you guys doing here?? You're supposed to be sick, Scooby." Daphne says

"Ri invented a potion!" Scooby responds

"You lied to us!! We're a team! You can't just go off half-cocked doing whatever you want!" Fred colds the two.

"Hey gang...." Velma says looking at the top of the door that blew up

Everyone looks at her as she reads what the strange letters mean

" 'Beware who enters the Monster Hive. Inside your fears will come alive' " Velma adds

They all walk in and look around. They see a huge machine next to a pulley track with the stolen costumes

"Look! The costumes from the museum!" Blake said pointing at the costumes

"The Zombie." Daphne said

"The Miner 49er" Velma added

"Captain Cutler."Shaggy finished

"I bet they're all here." Fred replied

"I bet this Masked Figure uses the costumes to make the real monsters which implies...." Yang started

"He needs the costumes to make the monsters which implies...." Fred adds

"He already had a Pterodactyl Ghost costume...somehow,which implies....." Weiss continues

"Patrick's the one...." Velma finished

"Aw, Velma's in love!" Daphne said

"No, I mean the one, the bad guy. That's why he wanted to go out with see what we knew...."  Velma replied

"We just saw Patrick at the Bad guy's hangout....he was working both sides of Psycho street." Shaggy stated

"I don't know who's behind this but we don't need them transforming anymore costumes." Blake said

"Let's find a way to shut down this monster maker for good." Fred said walking off

Team RWBY in Scooby-Doo! 2: Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now