The Final Battle Part 2

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Later, outside the Monster Hive, Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Team RWBY entered through a hidden stairwell

"I don't see Shaggy and Scooby anywhere!" Fred said

"The poor guys are probably running around helpless and terrified!" Velma responds.

They then look at the elevator and see Shaggy and Scooby arrive covered in Cotton Candy meaning they literally ate The Cotton Candy Glob.

"Man, this is like, the greatest day of our lives, Scoob. Finally, a monster we can sink our teeth into." Shaggy said as him and Scooby got off the elevator

"Reah." Scooby responded

"You know Scoob, i'm kinda thirsty. I wonder if there's a liter sized soda glob anywhere." Shaggy added in a joking manner

Fred ran over and grabbed the control panel from Shaggy and said, "Come on, guys, we have to hurry."

"We have to get the control panel back before-"Blake starts

The two groups ran into the Monster Hive and saw that The Zombie, Miner 49er, and Skeleton Mn were back even though The Skeleton Men were tangled up

"Before exactly that happens!" Blake finishes

"At last, I have you Mystery Inc. and Team RWBY. You'll never make it past my monsters." The Evil Masked Figure taunted from on the gangplank

"We've taken these jerks before gang, let's do it again." Daphne said.

Un-benounced to anyone,some tar wrapped around the members of Team RWBY. Naturally, they tried to struggle out of the tar but to no avail. as Fred ran over to try to plug the control panel back in and he gets stuck in some tar as The Tar Monster rises up from a puddle of tar.

"Fred!" Daphne shouted

"It's not them you need t worry about!" The Evil Masked Figure said as he laughed

"Now you are stuck in my trap!" The Tar Monster said.

"Daphne!" Fred said tossing the control panel to Daphne

Daphne frontflipped and caught the control panel and saw The Tar Monster behind her just as the monster grabbed her and laughed as he lifted her into the air.

"Daphne!! I'm open!" Shaggy yelled as Daphne tossed the panel.

While all this was going on, Cinder walked out onto the Gangplank and watched the chaos ensue and noticed Scooby backing away in fear. After a bit, Shaggy ended up with the control panel and was backed against some metal containers as tar slowly wrapped around him

"Soon,your friends will be dead along with Coolsville being destroyed." Cinder told the cowardly mutt

"My revenge will be final, and there's nothing you can do about it!!!" The Evil Masked Figure boomed

"R-rhelp, Velma..." Scooby said but noticed Velma was nearly being suffocated by tar

"R-RDaphne???" Scooby added 

Daphne tried to break free to help her canine companion but The Tar Monster tightened his grip

"Raggy?? Ruby???" Scooby added

"Scoob...." Shaggy started

Scooby then backed up against a CO2 Fire extinguisher and grabbed it. All The Evil Masked Figure did was laugh menichally

Scooby walked up to the tar around Shaggy and turned it into ice using the fire extinguisher.The Evil Masked Figure and Cinder gasped and The Tar Monster screamed in pain as all the ice around Shaggy from the waist up broke

Team RWBY in Scooby-Doo! 2: Monsters UnleashedWhere stories live. Discover now