"But we have-" they were cut off by another servant stepped out of the shop and whispered something one of their ears before turning around and walking back inside. I couldn't help think that something very weird is going on because most servants would stick to their masters like glue so how come that one just went back inside and why weren't they beside her when all of this took place a little bit ago. Something is not right and I plan on getting to the bottom of it although I don't why I care so much about it in the first place. "Okay I'll get the carriage and get you there but after that, we will have to come back here to take care of things." I rolled my eyes "Whatever I don't care. But while you do that I want you," I pointed at the other person besides the one who spoke "to go fetch my coach and tell them where we are going and tell them to meet us out front of the hospital so when we are done we can go home right away. Make sure you get the coach with the Sivermist family crest on it." The servant agreed "As you wish sir." I nodded my head feeling very annoyed at this whole situation I mean seriously how can they even think about leaving their master what kind of place does she live in that would allow this to even happen. Despite having servants could she be from a poor family and not an influential one like I had first thought. I looked down at her sleeping form and for once in my life, I don't know how I feel about any of this right now because I feel so confused right now.

They brought the carriage just like I asked as I don't know why but when they tried to take her out of my arms to put her in the carriage I didn't allow them and instead I pulled her closer to my body while giving them death glare before climbing inside the carriage. Once inside the coach, I still didn't let her go until the doctors and the nurses were the ones to take her away and I waited for someone to come out to tell me what happened only for them to tell me they weren't sure what was wrong with her and their only guess was sleep deprivation and or maybe a traumatic event took place causing her to go into shock but other than that she is perfectly fine other than being hungry as well probably from not eating properly along with a small fever. And after he told me that he allowed me to sit in the room she was staying in for the time being and wait for her to wake up. While I was sitting there watching her I notice her eyebrows knitted together like she was in pain or something which only started to concern me even more for some reason that was starting to make me believe that there was truly something wrong with me. I also noticed that there were a few droplets of sweat beginning to aculeate on her forehead so without thinking I dipped the rag on the stand by the bed and dipped it into the bowl of water that was also there on the stand after I removed my white gloves off of course. Then I began to gently whip her face with that rag in order not to disturb her but right as I put the rag back on the edge of the bowl so it's ready just in case I need it once again I noticed that she was starting to wake up as she opened her eyes completely.

"Good evening miss I hope your rest was enjoyable." Her eyes meet mine and were wide in shock "What happened? Where am I? How did I get here? And why are you here?" She said all at once in worry as she sat up in a hurry "Woah, calm down would you? Everything is alright and to answer your questions you passed out so I brought you to the hospital myself." She sat there processing the information that I just gave her "So do you have any idea why you just fainted for no reason."

"Well, what did the doctor say?" I sighed "They said they weren't sure due to the fact it could be between sleep deprivation, a traumatic event, or even due to your poor eating, or even all three. so which is it?" She tilted her head to the side "I guess it could have been a mixture of all three but to be honest I don't know. Wait did you just say that you brought me here?!" She looked very surprised as well as shocked I think with a bit of disbelief in her eyes and for some reason that was kind of pissing me off. "Yes I did is it that hard to believe." She looked shocked "Well to be perfectly honest with you...yes it is very hard to believe. But don't take it the wrong way it's just that I'm surprised is all. Not that I dislike the fact that you brought me here." I don't know why but hearing her say that made my heartbeat quicken for some reason "And I am sorry that you had to do something so unnecessary for me like bring me here. But what is the most shocking fact of all is that knowing you had to carry me here since I was incapacitated to move but despite the fact you are still wearing the same clothes as when I saw you before that brief moment I saw you before all of this accrued."

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