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1 month later

Yohan walked then sat at the seat looking at the railway infront of him.

His eyes bewildered looking at his surroundings enjoying his time as a 'normal' citizen.

He stared back at the train who stopped infront of him then smiled.

Thought came inside his head while the train started to leave.

He closed his eyes enjoying the sounds and noises of his surroundings.

As he was closing his eyes,he felt like someone sat beside him.

He curved a smile then slowly opened his eyes but he didnt want to turn his face to look at the person beside him.

He didnt dare to because,

He didnt deserved it.

"You came?",Yohan asked while his eyes still looking at the view infront of him.

"Hmm",the person beside him replied.

Both of them became silence as they both didnt talk to each other for a long time.

Yohan didnt want to waste any time especially today's the day that he was waiting for..or the last day of being together.

"How are you?",Yohan asked.


"Yup,still here",Yohan replied.

After the question,they both became silence again.

Even they didnt talk,Yohan still felt happy,thats the only time that he have or more like...he only have.

"Thank you",Yohan broke the silence.

Haewon didnt replied,she looked down on the ground.

"Thank you and im sorry",Yohan said to her.

"Me too",Haewon replied to him.

Yohan started to feel the nerves aching inside of him.

The sadness started to drain through him rather than skating over his skin.

The voice of her who he missed the most flowed his dissapointment of himself through his veins and deadened his mind.

He once realized a tear started to drop from the corner of his eye.

The tear of sadness,embarrasment, guiltness and despair.

"I miss you",he didnt dare to say out loud.

He wiped his tear as a train stopped at the station.

He knew thats the end,the end of the time that he will cherished forever.

"Goodbye,Haewon~",Yohan said to Haewon.

Haewon slightly smiled,

"Goodbye,Yohan",she slowly stood then took a deep breath before she walked away from him.

She slowly walked then stopped at the door waiting for someone.

Yohan slowly turned his face to look at Haewon but then a guy walked out from the train then ran to Haewon,hugged her.

"I thought you didnt want to come",Seungyeon kissed at Haewon's cheek then hugged her tight.

"I just want to surprise you",Haewon replied.

Yohan felt happy when he saw her smile,at least the smile will be the last memory he have for Haewon.

He took out his iPad from his bag then search at Naver about his news.

Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffWhere stories live. Discover now