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"Dont forget to call me when you arrive",Haewon reminded Yohan before she hugged him.

After they released their hug,Yohan held her hand,

"Dont worry,i will come back tomorrow".

Haewon turned to Junho,

"Take care of my boyfriend"

Junho nodded with his thumbs up signalling everything's gonna be fine.

Yohan and Junho entered the bus before they waved goodbye to Haewon.

After the bus leave,Haewon quickly leave to her workplace.


"Im so tired",Haewon stretched her body after finished her shift.

Minhee sat beside her,

"Are you sure you will be fine?You dont want me to accompany you?",he asked.

Haewon nodded,

"Its okay,its just one night"

Minhee packed his things before he turned his face to Haewon,

"If anything happen,just call me okay?"

Haewon grinned and replied with an-OK sign.


Haewon entered her house then closed the door.

She yawned as she felt very tired after going to work.

She put down her things before he heard someone rang the bell.

"Does Minhee think that I cant live alone?"

She walked to the door and opened it before she frozed.

She was stunned after the presence of the person infront of her.


Eunsang smiled at her while rubbing his back neck,


Haewon gulped,

"I thought you already...urmm..",she didnt managed to finish her words as she didnt believe Eunsang was standing infront of her.

"I..i change the date..c-cause i..i want to meet you",he answered.

Haewon felt like her mouth was glued by his words.

She played with her hands nervously cause she dont know what to do.

"I know you promise Yohan to not go to the airport so i plan to meet you by myself",he explained,more calmer than earlier.


Both of them stood infront of the balcony staring at the view.

No one dare to start but then Haewon felt like she should start it or else she might have other issue coming through.

"Im sorry",she apologized.

Eunsang curved a slightly smile,

"Its okay"

Both of them went silent before Eunsang turned his face to Haewon,

"I shouldnt kiss you that day so its my fault"

Haewon shooked her head,

"I shouldnt let my parents did that to you"

She let out a breath,

"And i shouldnt let my brother beat you"

Eunsang smiled,

"Its okay,im living a good life now",he tried to ensure Haewon that he's fine.

Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffWhere stories live. Discover now