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"Thank you",Haewon thanked the driver then walked into her house.

Eventhough she already reached home,her mind still reminded her of what happened earlier.

When her mom told her to leave Yohan,her dad almost slapped her and it hurt her the most after she heard Hangyul's confession.

She already cried all the way inside the car but her tears started to flow back from her eyes.

She sobbed when she noticed Soyeon was not here.

She slowly walked to her room and opened the door.

When she opened the door,she saw Yohan was lying on the bed while playing with his phone.

He quickly sat when he saw Haewon entered the room.

"Babe,i didnt realized you already arrive",he said.

"Soyeon let me in earlier before she went to work.May i know what's her job cause you know its already late and--",

Yohan didnt continue his words when he noticed the look on Haewon's face.

He stood then walked to Haewon,

"Babe,are you okay?"

Haewon didnt replied,she still stared at Yohan.

Yohan felt the temperature on Haewon's forehead,

"Do you feel sick?"

He held her hand,

"Do you want me to hold you..do you feel dizzy..or do you want a glass of water?"

Haewon started to sob after Yohan spoke to her.


Suddenly,Haewon moved her body then hugged Yohan.

Tears flowed heavily like she let go all of her regrets,fear,frustration and despair.

Yohan was shocked but he slowly held her body and patted her.

"Haewon,everything's gonna be fine"


Yohan woke up from Haewon's bed.

He accompany Haewon especially when Haewon started to cry heavily yesterday.

He felt like Haewon need someone to be there for her and it makes him felt sad and blame himself to not be by her side more often.

"Just call me if anything happen",Yohan hugged Haewon and kissed her.

He didnt want to leave Haewon but he have to go to work.

Haewon nodded then waved goodbye to him before he walked out from the house.


Yohan:are you sure the studio already open?

Manager:yes,just enter the studio and wait there.

Yohan sighed,he was standing infront of the studio but the studio was locked.

Yohan:ok then

*phone call ended*

He stood infront of the studio while looking at his surroundings.

Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora