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Haewon was lying on her bed after she have her breakfast.

"C'mon,pick up"

She tried to call Yohan but still he didnt answered.

She have tried to call Yohan since yesterday,she even texted him but still no response.

Haewon:yohan,please...answer my call

She threw her phone on the bed while tapped her forehead,felt dissapointed with herself.


She looked at Soyeon who was standing at the door eating her snacks.

"Hey,im coming home late...dont do crazy things",she warned.

Haewon slightly smiled,


Soyeon took a handful inside her mouth then pointed her finger to Haewon,

"Eat your lunch and dont faint"

Haewon laughed reacted to Soyeon.

Soyeon put her hand on her waist,

"Im not joking...you faint last time"

Haewon shrugged,

"Im sorry"

Soyeon rolled her eyes,

"Whatever",she walked away from there.


"Hangyul,its okay if you want to go back.I dont want to burden you",Seungwoo said to Hangyul.

Hangyul smiled,

"Anything related to you or Dongpyo will never burden me"

Seungwoo nodded then looked away to hid his smile.

"Besides,i really like to come to his school and i really miss Dongpyo a lot",Hangyul told Seungwoo.

Seungwoo smiled at him before both of them turned to Dongpyo who was running to them.

"Papa!Uncle Hangyul!"

He jumped to Seungwoo and hugged him.

He turned to Hangyul and hugged him,

"Uncle Hangyul,i really miss you",he hugged Hangyul tightly.

Hangyul smiled widely before they released their hug.

Hangyul lowered his body until the same level as Dongpyo's.

"I miss you too",he pinched his cheeks  and tapped Dongpyo's nose.

Seungwoo felt happy looking at both of them.

"So,what do you want to eat?",Hangyul asked Dongpyo.

Dongpyo put his finger under his chin,thinking about the place he want to eat.


He pulled Hangyul closer to him then he whispered to him,

"I want to eat sushi"

Hangyul chuckled when he heard that while Seungwoo looked at both of them,felt curious of what they whispered about.

"Why are you whispering?",Hangyul asked.

Dongpyo moved his head closer to Hangyul then he whispered,

"Because yesterday i told papa i want to eat sushi but he didnt let me"

Hangyul laughed when he heard that,he pinched Dongpyo's cheek as he find Dongpyo adorable.

"What is it?",Seungwoo asked Hangyul.

"Come",Hangyul held Dongpyo's hand then turned his head closer to Seungwoo.

"I tell you later",he spoke slowly so that Dongpyo didnt heard him.

All three of them walked together to fhe sushi restaurant to eat.


"B*tch,what?!You're the one who ditch me in the club with those guys!You know what!Im out!",Soyen ended her phone call.

"Stupid girls!",she put her phone inside her pocket then opened the door after she reached home.

She locked the door then looked for Haewon.

"Is she still working?",she talked to herself.


"Haewon,where are you?I saw your shoes outside?",she looked for Haewon.

She stopped infront of Haewon's room then knocked the door,

"Haewon,are you in there?"

She cleared her throat then knocked the door again.

"Hey you know what,im not worried but can you just talk anything like maybe 'hi' or at least show your stupid face",she spoke to Haewon.

She waited for Haewon's response but  no response she got.

She held the door knob when she realized the door is not locked.

"Goddamn can you speak?You know what i wil open the door!"

She opened the door when she stunned and hurriedly ran to Haewon who was lying on the floor.

"Haewon,are you okay?Shit!"

She tried tapped Haewon's cheek but Haewon didnt react all.

"Goddamn!",she quickly took her phone and called 911.

Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffWhere stories live. Discover now