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"Hmm?",Haewon raised her head to look at Yohan.

"I want to name her Bomi",he said.

Haewon laughed when she heard that.

Its been 6 months since Haewon have pregnant.

Yohan always sneak out after work to meet Haewon and of course to make sure she and his baby is fine.

"Give me your hand",Yohan said to Haewon.

Haewon lend her hand to Yohan before Yohan locked his hand to hers.

Haewon felt something tingling on her palm when she was surprised after she saw a ring on it.

Yohan smiled to her and took the ring before he put it on her finger.

"I know its still early but.."

Yohan moved his body closer to Haewon before he gave a peck on Haewon's forehead.

"I wish i can spend my entire life with you",he told Haewon.

Haewon held his hand,

"I will always be there for you",she leaned her body to his and hugged him.

Both of them hoped that time stops as they cherished their time together the most.

"Haewon,i might didnt get to see you for a while",he whispered.

Haewon released the hug with her eyes looked directly at his,


Yohan sighed while he looked down before he looked back to Haewon.

"I have to be on a world tour next week"

Haewon felt something snapped on her heart.

She cant bear enough to be so far from Yohan especially when Yohan is not in Korea.

She didnt realized her tears started to drop from the corner of her eyes.


Yohan wiped her tears and carressed her cheeks,

"I know its hard,i also feel the same thing too",he locked his hand on hers and kissed it.

"Just be patient okay honey",Yohan curved a smile even though deep down he felt hurt inside.

He cant stand to not seeing Haewon not just a day but it can be weeks or months.

He hugged Haewon while patted her back to comfort her as well as he cant let go of her.

He wished he can spend more time with her like those old times.


Hangyul was on his phone settling some company issues when he heard someone called him.

"Uncle Hangyul!"

Hangyul turned to the voice when he saw Dongpyo was running to him.

Hangyul lowered his body while spreading his arms before Dongpyo jumped to him and hugged him.

"Uncle Hangyul,i miss you~"

Hangyul lifted Dongpyo,

"I miss you too",he lifted Dongpyo and put him slowly inside his car.

"When he came in,he fasten Dongpyo's seatbelt and his before he started to drive.

"What do you want to eat,Dongpyo?",he asked.

Dongpyo pouted,

"I dont know"

Hangyul looked at Dongpyo before he looked back infront,

"You miss your dad,arent you?"

Dongpyo slowly nodded before he looked down to his hands.

"You must be very dissapointed when you see me arent you?Im sorry Dongpyo",Hangyul apologized.

Dongpyo looked at Hangyul before he shooked his head,

"No im not,im so happy to see you.Besides you are my second dad"

Hangyul was so shocked as he almost braked the car when he heard that.

Dongpyo grinned,

"Uncle Hangyul,do you like my dad?"

Hangyul gulped,he cant ignore the question because the traffic light was red.

While they wait for the traffic light to turn green,Dongpyo must be waiting for him to answer the question.

"Uurmm..i..i dont know"

Dongpyo sighed and tapped his head before he turned his head to the window.

Hangyul felt worried,

"Dongpyo must be very mad and annoyed right now"

"Should i tell him?"

"Uncle Hangyul",Dongpyo called Hangyul while his eyes still looking at the outside of the window.

"Hmm",Hangyul replied.

"I think my dad likes you",Dongpyo confessed.

Hangyul felt the heat rise on his cheeks as his heart started to beat rapidly when he heard that.

He looked at the reflection of the window as he saw Dongpyo was smiling at him.

"Is he joking?"

Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffWhere stories live. Discover now