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Its been a week since Haewon's mom passed away.

Soyeon sat at the living room with Hyeongjun,she was worried about Haewon.

Haewon havent leave her room since the funeral.

She also didnt eat as she always sat infront of her window,staring outside.

Hyeongjun saw Soyeon's worried face so he hugged Soyeon,comforted her.

Suddenly,they heard someone knocked the door.

Hyeongjun stood then opened the door.

When he opened,he saw Seungyeon standing infront of him with a bouquet of flowers on his hand.

"Come in",Hyeongjun invited Seungyeon to come in.

Soyeon greeted Seungyeon as she was surprised with his visit,deep down she thought its Yohan.


"Can i come in?",Seungyeon asked while standing near the door.

Haewon was staring at the window,didnt respond.

Seungyeon slowly closed the door then sat beside Haewon.

Both of them became quiet as Haewon's eyes fixed on the view outside while Seungyeon was giving her some time for herself.

He came just to check out on her as he felt worried of her.

"Thank you"

Seungyeon turned his head to Haewon when he heard that.


"'Thank you for coming",Haewon said to Seungyeon.

Seungyeon smiled then looked back infront.

Seungyeon looked to his side when he saw a tear dropped from the corner of her eye.

Seungyeon turned his body facing Haewon then wiped the tear.

Haewon looked directly at Seungyeon's eyes before she moved closer then hugged him.

She felt warm and comfort with the hug.

Seungyeon was stunned at first but then he just let Haewon hugged him.

He patted Haewon's back to make sure she's comfortable.

All she need right now is a hug.


"Thank you for the foods Seungwoo",Mr Lee thanked Seungwoo.

Seungwoo smiled at him before Dongpyo ran to Mr Lee and hugged him.

Since the day,Seungwoo always came to Hangyul's house to make sure they're fine.

He always brought some food that he cook for Hangyul and Mr Lee.

Even though they have maids to cook for them,Hangyul always preferred to eat what Seungwoo cook.


Seungwoo get back to his senses when he realized Mr Lee was calling him.

"Sorry Mr Lee,i--"

"Its okay",Mr Lee replied.

Dongpyo shooked his head while tapped his forehead watching his father's attitude.

"Hangyul is at the garden if you want to meet him",Mr Lee said.

Seungwoo nodded then excused himself to meet Hangyul.


When Seungwoo arrived at the garden,he saw Hangyul was sitting on a bench.

He slowly approached Hangyul then sat beside him.

Hangyul noticed Seungwoo so he turned to Seungwoo,

"I didnt realized you came sorry~",he apologized.

Seungwoo smiled,

"Its ok"

Hangyul smiled back to Seungwoo but then his smile slowly faded.

Tears started to flow from his eyes as he felt his heart ache after he lost his mom.

Seungwoo quickly hugged him while patted his back,

"Its okay,just cry",he whispered to Hangyul.

Hangyul let out his tears until he started to feel relieved.

When Hangyul started to calm down,Seungwoo wiped his tears then hugged him back assuring that he's always with Hangyul.

Hangyul felt warm and comfortable when he's with Seungwoo.

He released his hug then held Seungwoo's hand,

"Thank you"

Seungwoo held back Hangyul's hand then nodded.

Hangyul's lips curved a smile before he kneeled infront of Seungwoo.

Seungwoo was shocked with what Hangyul did,he 's also confused with the situation.

Hangyul put his hand inside his pocket as he was looking for something.

He pulled out a small box then he opened it infront of Seungwoo.

Seungwoo looked at the ring inside the box then looked back at Hangyul.

"Seungwoo,will you marry me?",Hangyul proposed Seungwoo.

Seungwoo was surprised and excited at the same time.

He never knew this day will come.

He was nervous until his mouth was sealed with his mind.

Hangyul looked at Seungwoo,

"Will you be the love of my life until forever?"

Seungwoo started to feel touched as tears of happiness started to flow from his eyes.

He wiped his tears then held Hangyul's hand.

He smiled to Hangyul then replied,


Distance // Kim Yohan X1 Wei ffKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat