The Vale of Arryn

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We've finished our preparations for the trip. It won't take long to fly there, the hard part is getting to the top of the mountain. It's dangerous to fly straight up while on the back of our dragons. It's easy to fall off when flying directly up, especially without saddles. I'm not worried but I think my brothers are.

As the vale comes into view I am completely amazed. The mountain is huge and the castle on top is even bigger. It's beautifully built and literally touches the sky, I've never seen anything like it before.

We begin our climb up to the top, our dragons flying at amazing speeds. Next thing I know I'm landing in a beautiful courtyard covered in snow. A guard runs up to us, he looks like he's shaking. "Who-o are you and what is your business here?!"

"I'm Rileiria Stormborn and your Lord has requested my presence here. Please announce us and take us to your lord."

The man nods and begins to walk towards a large building, we follow him into the throne room which is filled with strange diplomats.

"Lord Arryn, the Targaryens have arrived and are insisting on speaking to you immediately." the man announces.

"Of course they are, bring them here." the man sitting in a large chair says and we step out of the shadows.

"We're already here, it's a pleasure to meet you Lord Arryn." I say proudly.

"The pleasure is all mine, and please call me Robin. I'm so pleased that you came here so quickly."

"Yes well now that we are aquatinted then you can tell us why we were so urgently needed here in the Vale." Aemon says.

"I would like to introduce you to my eldest son, Cedric." he says and a young man steps in front of the throne. He bows before us with a kind smile.

"Hello your highnesses, I'm Cedric Arryn heir to the vale."

"Get to the point, Robin." Illyrion snaps and both Arryn's look taken aback. What did they expect, for us to wait around and play nice? 

"Well, I have a proposition, my queen. I will give you my army, the knights of the vale. On one condition, you marry my son here." he says leaving me in pure shock.

"How dare you, give me an ultimatum. I am your rightful queen and by right the knights of the vale are my bannermen. They are my birthright and you shall pledge them to me and bend the knee. Do you forget that I am the mother of dragons And your mighty kingdom sits on top of a mountain? I can burn it to the ground with one breath from my dragon. Do you want the wrath of the last Targaryens?" I yell and the entire room looks terrified.

Robin stands up shakily and kneels to us. The rest of the room follows his lead and they stay there for a while. Once they rise they keep their heads down.

"I-I'm sorry my queen I didn't mean to disrespect you in any way. But I wish to have my son on the throne next to you." He says and his son looks ashamed.

"I have two brothers with royal blood in them, they shall sit with me upon the throne. We shall rule over Westeros together and we shall destroy anyone who doubts us. Especially those who stand to gain power from us." I say glaring into Robin's eyes.

"I'm dearly sorry for my father's forwardness, he wishes to see me as king. I know that will never happen but he doesn't."

"Well, at least the future lord of house Arryn has some wisdom. We shall be taking our leave, make sure the knights of the vale are ready to fight for us, war is brewing." I tell them and rush out of the room.

Me and my brothers head back home, I'm too tired to deal with another foolish lord today. We land inside the gates giving all the commoners a fright.

I walk into the main hall and head to my rooms but I was walking so fast I didn't realize that I nearly trampled Bellamy.

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