The Begining

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(Hi everyone this is my first story so please don't drag me lol enjoy!)

Daenerys Stormborn from a young age had yearned for power, when she finally earned it, everything she cared for was ripped away from her.

She decided to devoted her army's to John Snow's cause to slay the Night Kings in an attempt to save the country she wishes to rule. All the while they were falling deeply in love with each other. After the long war, Dany lost nearly all of her Dothraki blood riders and most of her Unsullied warriors. During this war, she lost her greatest advisor, Sir Jorah Mormont and one of her children (a dragon), Visyerion.

Dany quickly realized that the northerners were incredibly loyal to John even though it was her armies that helped to end the war. She wasn't getting the recognition she deserved in Westeros.

So Dany turned her attention on crushing the Lannisters once and for all. She set off to fight Cerci losing half her fleet and her best friend Missandei in the process. She quickly turned to her strongest emotion, fury and destroyed Kings Landing with Drogon. She slipped quickly into madness which led to her downfall.

The man she loved, John decided that it was best for the realm for him to kill Dany. Not knowing that she had many allies all over the world. For-seeing Dany's fate, the Red Woman was prepared to revive her in Mereen. Daenerys survived and evidently gave birth to the last three dragons, and heirs to the throne of Westeros.

And this is where my story begins.

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