Young Targayens

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Rileiria's Pov:

Since we were infants me and my brothers were inseparable. We were everything to each other. Our family has been in hiding for years, nobody could know that the Targaryen lineage lived on. We were the most powerful and feared family in the world yet we couldn't reveal our true identities.

My brothers and I are nearly 16 so it's been 7 years without our mother. She died in a horrible incident when I was nine, which I loathe taking about.

Currently I'm training to take over the entire Dothraki hoard. I know what you thinking a 16 year old noble girl couldn't possibly lead thousands of savages, but it true. Ever since my mother died I've trained to be the fiercest warrior this realm has ever seen. And it's worked, I could simply look at my opponent and know exactly what they will do next, where they will strike and how they will do it. It's a gift really.

I spar with my brothers daily but it's is nothing compared to the real thing. Being in a true fight is completely exhilarating.

After my mothers fall the remaining Dothraki went back to Vayes Dothrak to reassemble the once incredibly strong Khalassar. After the long war their numbers considerably diminished and has only just recently gained back its power. 

It took a lot of convincing but I got my brothers to back me in proposing a conclave to the Dothraki war lords. I've wanted to take over the Khalasar for a while now but the warloards were stubborn and refused to talk to a little girl. I sent them raven after raven explaining that it would be in their best interest to accept. The winner of the conclave, whoever it may be would gain full control of the entire army, not just parts of it. So I eventually convinced the Khals and my brothers to have this meeting and now we are riding to Vaes Dothrak to speak to the leaders.

We travel quickly due to the fact that we each have a dragon, for centuries the world thought all the dragons were dead. Until my mother gave birth to three baby dragons in the burning fires of her departed husbands funeral. So knowing it was possible to have more dragons, we scoured the ruins of Valeria in search of eggs. By some miracle we found three fossilized dragon eggs. And we brought the three new dragons of the world. We used our families ancient fire and blood magic that runs through our veins to bring to life the ancient creatures that once ruled over the world. 

I immediately bonded with the biggest of the hatchlings who had purple and sliver scales. She reminded me of the iconic silver and purple eyes of a Targaryen and I fell in love with her. Naming her Furyion using inspiration from the greatest dragon know to man, Balerion the Black Dread.

Illyrion chose to name his dragon Falcor, it means peace bringer in Valerian. He's always been the peaceful sibling, with his level headed thinking. Falcor, is a green dragon with some black scales. Aemon however chose to name his dragon Smaug which means to raise hell in Valerian. Which correlated perfectly with Aemon's personality. Smaug is black with red scales all over.

Flying on Fury is easily my favorite thing to do. I could fly for hours and not be bored. I feel so superior to the humans who resemble puny ants on the ground, I feel like a true Queen.

When we finally reach Vaes Dothrak I notice that the entire Khalasar is gathered waiting for us. quite the intimidating sight to behold. Thousands of hulking men with terrifying weapons inhabit the city. 


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