Breathe Fire

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Word must have spread quickly about me and my brothers deciding to descend to our rightful place as the rulers of Westeros. Because when I exit my rooms with Nala following me, everyone I pass including Lords and Lady's bend the knee to me. It's a strange feeling but it makes me proud.

I walk out to the courtyard to find Darrion but I'm greeted by a stranger instead. "Hello my Queen." he says and takes a bow. "I'm Edmund Baratheon, son of Gendry Baratheon. Your mother legitimized him as Lord of Storms End a long time ago." he tells me proudly.

"Well she must have seen greatness in him." I tell him honestly.

"Well it was very kind of her to make a bastard into a Lord, my family is extremely great full. Which is why I wish to fight for you my queen. I can ride to Storms End today to gather our army for you. If that's what you wish." he exclaims.

"Thank you Lord Edmund, can you go get your troops ready. I don't know what Alexander is planning and I want as many men who choose to fight, ready to pledge their lives to my cause. We will need them." I tell him.

"Yes my Queen, I will make sure that the Baratheon army is ready for battle. They will be proud to fight for their rightful queen, I know it." he says honestly.

"Thank you Lord Edmund, safe travels." I tell him and he takes another bow before walking towards the stables.

"Rileiria, there is someone I would like you to meet." Bellamy tells me as he approaches with two young ladies. They all take deeps bows and arise. "This is my younger sister Davina, she's very glad to meet you." he explains.

"Hello there Davina, it's good to meet you." I tell her.

"Your Highness, it is such an honor to meet you, my mother and brother have told be so much about you especially your fighting abilities. I would love to learn from you, nobody would ever train me because I'm supposed to be a proper lady." she tells me.

"Of course I can teach you, no man ever wanted to teach me how to fight they were all to proud."

"Oh I almost forgot, this is Sloane she is one of our distant cousins and is staying with us for the time being." Nala begins to stand up and seems uneasy, something must set her off about this girl.

"Hello my Queen I'm so glad to meet you." she says as Sansa approaches.

"How did you learn to fight like that, who taught you if it wasn't a man?" Bellamy asks curiously.

"No one." I tell them and with that I walk off. I'm not ready to divulge my greatest secret, even if they do have a right to know.


"Finally Darrion, I've been looking for you for nearly an hour." I exhale. I've been walking around in this stupid dress. I've always hated wearing dresses, but Brina insists that I wear one. She says if I want to be queen I must present myself as one. Yet a conqueror doesn't wear dresses, so why would I? And it's freezing out here, snow covers everything in thick layers. I feel this winter shall last and eternity.

"I'm sorry Khalissi!" he says taking a bow, and the soldier next to him follows his action. I don't think the Dothraki are used to bowing, especially not to a woman.

"Well it's good I've found you, I want you to gather the bodies of the dead. I will have the Dragons burn them, I won't tire my men by making them dig graves for my enemies." I tell him.

"Yes Khalissi, we shall gather them into a pile in the field. But where are the dragons?"

"Probably off looking for food, I'll make sure they are back soon. Thank you Darrion." I say as I walk off with Nala.


"Where have you two been?" I ask as I see my brothers approaching.

"Well the ladies here were very excited to make us kings feel right at home here. They really warmed us up last night if you know what I mean." Aemon says instantly making me gag.

"You two are sick, we had are enemy knocking at our door yesterday and all you two could think about was getting women into bed? Disgusting!"

"I see your keeping that mutt Ri." Illyrion says, Nala obviously makes him nervous. We've never seen such an animal in Essos.

"Of course I am, and I was thinking of adding to my title. Last night I talked to our aunt Sansa, and she told me how much I was like our father. So I thought I would take his mother's name, Stark."

"Well if that's what you want Lyria, but don't expect me to take that mans name as my own." Lyrion says. He's always hated our father the most out of all of us. It hurt him so much to see the pain that our father caused our mother. It hurt all of us, but Ly always has the big heart.

Aemon on the other hand always pitied our father, which is interesting since he looks so much like our dear dad.


My soldiers have gathered the dead Lannister soldiers into a heaping pile. They're out in the field on display for all to see. I want to prove a point to the people of Westeros, that if they choose to threaten me I will always win.

I walk out to the field to see Fury, Falcor, and Smaug waiting for me. Even though my brothers are bonded to their dragons, Falcor and Smaug still do as I wish. They are loyal to any Targaryen.

I climb onto Fury and we take off, flying around for a couple minutes to enjoy the day. Everyone from town has gathered outside the walls to see what I'm going to do. I need to make a point to Westeros, that I will not condone any threats to me or my family.

I fly close to the ground and stop right above the pile of bodies with the other two dragons next to me. I take a deep breathe ready to release my built up anger.

"Dracarys!" I yell and fire shoots out of the dragons mouths. They set fire to all the bodies and I watch them burn. This is what they deserve for fighting for that Lannister scum.

Dracarys is an ancient Valerian saying meaning "breathe fire." In Valeria people would say it as a parting farewell, meaning to be fierce like our dragons. Now I say it to my dragons to signal them to breathe fire.

Once the fire die down all that is left is ash. I look around to see a mixture of emotions from the people. Some look scared and others look proud, as if they know that I can easily destroy the Lannister's once and for all.

Furyion lands and I jump off of her. I walk through the crowd and as I pass the people kneel. Apparently they're great full since I saved them from starvation.

When I sent my men out to get food, they returned with carts full. I guess when they told people that the Targaryens were back, people were willing to help. Either out of fear or hope, I'm not sure which.

All I know is that Westeros is doomed with Alexander as their King. And it is my duty as the heir to the throne, to protect these people at all costs. And that is what I intend to do.

"Your highness." Tyrion says with a bow. "We've just received a letter from the vale. Lord Robin Arryn wishes to speak with you."

"That's good news, I hope he is willing to bend the knee and pledge the knights of the vale to my cause. We will need his army if we are going to win this war. I need to find out how many men Alexander has. I do not want to be blind sided by him again. Find out what he is planning I'm going to the vale of Arryn."

"Yes Rileiria, would you like me to ready a company for you?"

"No that won't be necessary, me and my brothers will fly. I heard the trip up to the vale is long and uncomfortable anyways."

"Yes it is a very unbearable trip. I'll sent word back that you will be there shortly." I nod and Tyrion walks off. I'm still unsure if I can trust him, he may have betrayed my mother for the good of the realm. But he still betrayed her, and that doesn't sit right with me.

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