Chapter 23

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I wandered aimlessly until I arrived at Regina’s house and I looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:28 so I walked up knocking on the door she smiled seeing me, “come right in.” she hurriedly rustled throw papers, “so I have to rush out there is some food in the fridge and Henry will show you to the guest room and his bedtime is 9:30 thanks for this again.” she kissed his forehead before rushing out the door. I looked at Henry with a tight lip smile, “so I’m Luna what do you wanna do?” his eyes lit up with excitement as he rushed to what I guessed as his room and ran back with a book in hand, “these are all real I swear.” he opened and pointed to the “Evil Queen” he looked up at me, “this is my mom but she’s changed.” he flipped the page and a woman similar to Mary Margaret was on the page, “Mary Margaret is Snow White I don’t know where Prince Charming is yet.” then he pointed to a picture that looked like Jefferson, “he’s the Mad Hatter I’ve never seen him though.” he looked confused, “you wanna go and show me who everyone is?” he nodded and quickly threw on his jacket, “c’mon hurry.” I giggled at his enthusiasm, “alright I’m coming hold on.” I put on my jacket and followed him for about an hour and a half until I noticed the time, “alright Henry time to head back and tuck you into bed.” he groaned, “I will go home but can I stay up for a little longer please.” he looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed, “only if you don’t tell your mother.” he nodded and I nudged him in the direction of the house he babbled the whole time about how he needed to find his birth mother and that she was gonna be the savior, but I wasn’t fully listening as I was thinking about how mad everyone home was at me for not contacting them for months and leaving them the dark to worry about me. Henry noticed this as I sat on the couch and stood in front of me, “what’s wrong Luna.” he seemed truly worried about me I sighed, “don’t worry about it kid how about we play a card game and then I will tuck you in after you show me my room.” he nodded and I got out a random deck of cards dealing a hand for crazy eights which I let him win and he showed me to the guest room and I took him to his room tucking him in, “goodnight Henry thank you for showing me everyone.” I turned off the light and headed back to the guest room and slid down the wall wondering what I did wrong for this disaster called life to happen. I set an alarm for 8:30 and closed my eyes, hoping for a peaceful night of sleep but the moment I closed my eyes I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

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