Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sun in my face making me squint I rolled over and realised Jefferson was no longer in bed I groaned and sat up got dressed in something that would make me blend in with the world around me. I laced up my heeled boots and walked downstairs listening to Grace giggle at something that Jefferson did, I leaned against the doorway watching the duo mess around, “you guys look like you having fun.” my voice was slightly groggy from waking up a couple of moments ago Grace ran over to me hugging my leg, “I wanted to wake you but papa said you needed rest.” I smiled crouching down to her height, “yeah I did yesterday had a couple of interesting events.” she tilted her head asking, “like what?” Jefferson’s eyes widened, “Grace don’t be rude.”he scolded her I shook my head, “it’s alright well I graduated and I lost someone I cared about.” tears welled up as I thought about it but snapped back to reality when Grace wrapped her arms around me, “I’m sorry that happened.” I hugged her back sniffling, “it happens you learn to live with it now let’s start your lesson eh?” she nodded running over to her makeshift desk. Jefferson hugged me from behind laying his head on my shoulder, “would you be able to watch her for a few days I have to go do a job?” I raised my eyebrow, “I thought you quit?” he sighed, “yeah I did but I swear this is the last job I’m ever gonna do.” I cleared my throat, “hey Grace sweetheart can you head to the neighbors that way me and your papa can talk real quick.” she nodded and headed out the door I pulled away from Jefferson shaking my head, “you honestly think that the queen is gonna keep her word she told me and I quote “I vowed to make Jefferson’s life hell.” she is gonna screw you over some way I just know it.” he shrugged, “I need Grace’s life to be happy she deserves better than this and I will have her promise that nothing happens to you or Grace.” I rubbed my forehead, “where are you going and what are you retrieving?” he chewed his lip, “I’m going to Wonderland and I don’t know, she didn’t provide that information all I know is I have to transport her to Wonderland.” my eyes widened, “she is leading you right in a trap why can’t you see that?” he shrugged, “I just want Grace to be happy.” Tears were streaming down my face, “please don’t leave Jefferson she doesn’t have anyone else!” he swung around, “you don’t think I know that, but this is the only way to get her the life she deserves.” he growled I shook my head, “you don’t see it do you?” he scrunched his eyebrows together, “what do you mean?” I sighed, “she doesn’t want a luxurious life she just wants you.” he shook his head, “she deserves better than this.” he waved his hands gesturing towards the small cabin I forced a tight lip smile, “fine you know what go, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I stormed out of the cabin. Suddenly an idea popped into my head so I head over to the neighbors and I grabbed Grace and caressed her face, “you probably won’t be able to see me after today and I apologize just make sure your papa takes care of himself alright.” I grabbed her hand and took her back to the cabin, “alright how about breakfast?” her face lit up, “can I help?” I giggled, “sure sweetheart.” we quickly made breakfast and ate, “hey Jefferson you and Grace should spend some extra time together.” he sighed and said, “c’mon Grace let’s go play hide and seek in the woods.” I hugged and kissed Grace’s head before they left and gave Jefferson a hug and smiled sadly watching them go up the trail I closed the door going over to the chest that Jefferson stored his hat in I unlocked the padlock with a bobby pin grabbing the hat case and quickly ran to the closest carriage, “I need to go to the Queen’s castle.” after an agonizing 15 minutes we arrived and I was escorted to the queen’s quarters by two guards she turned and looked surprised to see me, “well hello Luna how can I help you?” I huffed, “I’ve come to escort you to Wonderland.” I raised the hat case in my hand and she smiled, “alright dear let’s not waste any time.” I raised a finger, “one condition.” she raised her eyebrow, “alright.” I took a breath, “you leave Jefferson and Grace alone.” she nodded, “alright I agree to your terms.” I took the hat out of the case and spun it on the floor watching a purple tunnel, “step back.” she listened and I grabbed her hand, “together.” we jumped into the hat and I immediately spotted the looking glass and walked over to it, “alright the same amount of people have to leave that enters no more no less.” she nodded, “I understand.” we enter and immediately a blue caterpillar spots us blowing smoke in our faces I look down groaning, “I hate Wonderland.” then dragged her to the maze she goes to enter but I see movement in the walls making me stick out my arm stopping grabbing a stick I throw it next to the wall and sure enough the wall grabs it, “stay away from the walls.” she grimaced and said, “maybe the walls should stay away from me.” suddenly a ball of fire comes from her hands and burns the leaves away leading us straight to the vault, “alright grab whatever you came for that way we can leave.” she does as said but we get surrounded by guards, “shit.” I hiss suddenly the guards get thrown back by a force that leaves my body that surprises us both, “guess my body has its own defence system.” we run back to the looking glass when she stops and grabs a piece of mushroom and puts it into the box and an older man appears and they go to enter the looking glass, “wait but what about Jefferson and Grace.” she sighed, “I will keep my word I will leave them alone.” I gulped, “please tell Grace that I love her and I’m sorry.” she nodded then stepped closer, “I’ll tell Jefferson too but you were right you don’t abandon family.” she then left me in Wonderland and since I traveled by the hat I knew my powers wouldn’t let me leave Wonderland without the hat. I was grabbed by guards and taken to the Red Queen where her court was, “so you helped steal from the Queen?” I nodded, “why?” I hesitated, “to protect the ones I love.” a single tear ran down my face the queen then stood up and walked over pulling back her veil and caressed my face, “let me guess Regina broke her promise to you.” I nodded she sighed, “alright let me say this if you work for me I will let you live and I can take away the pain of the ones you lost due to Regina how does that sound?” I was confused, “how can you take away my pain?” she sighed, “I would have to take out your heart it will hurt though.” I shook my head, “no I don’t want to do that I will work for you though.” she nodded, “take her to her to my quarters she will be my new first hand person.” I paused and turned to her, “thank you.” with that I was escorted to her chambers where I continued to work for her for months until a curse hit cast by Regina that made my life even more hell.                                                                            _______________________________________________1322 words sorry for not posting yesterday it was a hectic day hope I make up for it in this lengthy chapter

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