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okay i'm going to text everything that happened in thorough detail. i went in line because no one was there and i leaned over the counter and he did it with me for whatever reason like we were PIs. i asked what his name was and he said his name was carson price. so, i asked carson price if he was into coffee because i knew it was a silly question and he actually said no but he likes the smell of it. so, i gave him my chatterbox user and hes texting me right at this moment.

delilah, you are as sweet as cherry pie but god you seem like the most awkward person in real life. i mean, you really asked him if he liked coffee as he's working in a coffee shop?

did u not read all of it? he literally said he hates coffee but likes the smell

should i tell you all ab me and nora

yeah spill

i texted nora. i say hey and whatever. like an hour later she texts back heyyyyyi with a fuckin i and tbh it made me regret texting her. i wanted nora to be like, evening chap or something because nora sounds intelligent and old and i wanted that from her. so, we text a little more and i swear, i've never talked to someone so basic. she goes. she goes. harryyyyyy omg we should go to big gay ice cream!!!

r u kidding

never been so real in my life

i kind of want to know more

so i say, sure why not. should we go on saturday? i ask her all nicely, totally non basic. super original yknow. and she goes, i caaaan't :( WITH THE FUCKING APOSTROPHE which is grammatically correct but not when you spell cant with 4 fucking A's.

you're right

she says, i have a birthday party to attend which was thee most nora thing of her to say.

that was very nora like

should i ghost her?

don't be a dick just be honest. or try it out. maybe shes different in person.

she is different in person. i met her at the party remember?

but i mean, alone and with you. and at the big gay ice cream

i might go there by myself and hope to get some dick instead of ice cream because her texting and talking is going to definitely turn me gay

not before i do it first

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