hello, world

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Hello world and welcome to paradise.

this is kind of like the before i start in now or never where i introduce you things. this is like the stationary section of school supplies.

i've always wanted to make a texting type of story but before any of you decide that oh god this is another one of those, no, not exactly. it'll have both texting and reality and btw it's not like imessage on iphone, it's an actual website. it's not a real one or at least i don't think it is so don't try to look up chatterbox on the internet lol.

i never thought i'd be doing a harry styles fanfic but i try to make this acc as diverse as possible. i like including boys of all the genres i think that's how you'd put it anyhow. i wasn't into the whole 1d thing but i recently heard fine line and never wanted to fuck harry styles so bad, TMI.

i'm actually excited about this book because i had sorta planned a book like this a couple of years ago. i never came out to do it because i felt like it took too much time and it never came out the way i wanted it to BUT i've finally come to realize that this book may or may not actually be good. so i'm giving it a try.

so, here i present to you 'CHATTERBOX'

a website where you get to chat online with a complete stranger, get to know one another, become friends or maybe a little more...

chatterbox; hsWhere stories live. Discover now