ابدأ من البداية

No, she doesn't know what falling in love feels like but she knew that what she felt was weird and new to her. She felt like she could stare at him for the rest of her life and not get tried. He didn't bother looking at her with even curiosity which made her mad and slightly disappointed and discomfited. The person you want to look at you is not even doing that, it hurts, small sting though. It's uncouthed but she is trying to get to know what sort of attachment she's developing for the strange brother.

"Let's go. You're not going out with your hair like that." Huzaif protectively said to Falak when she stood up from the floor, making sure to empty her cup of hot chocolate.

"I can just wrap the veil around like some teachers do around my school." She shrugged again and wrap it around her in a twisted muffler.

"Better." Suwaid and Huzaif muttered at the same time making the other duo to laugh at them.

They drove to a nice looking ice cream parlour in another beautiful car, BMW 8 series, not forgetting about guards. Falak awed at the car before getting into the back with Humaid who kept talking about his career. She stopped him and ask when he was going to get married but he surprised her by saying that he is going to meet his fiancée there. She couldn't wait. The others didn't even like talking about girls, especially Huzaif, though she got Suwaid to talk to her earlier but there is no hope.

"She will be here shortly." Humaid whispered to Falak who kept nagging him about his fiancée. Maybe if he gets married soon, she won't be the only girl in the house but he said they are yet to set a date.

"I hope you know what you ordered." Suwaid said to Falak when she ordered Oreo, Mint and Vanilla.

"I don't, but there is no harm in those things." She points to the glass where the ice creams are sitting quietly.

Few minutes after their orders arrived, a woman walked into the coffee shop dressed in a beautiful black jallabiya and poster green veil muffled proficiently, flawlessly not even close to the rubbish Falak did which made her feel conscious a little. She is sitting in between Huzaif and Suwaid while Humaid sat at their opposite since he was expecting another company.

"Assalamu Alaikum." She greeted when she reached the table and sat down on the chair next to Humaid but they have Islamic distance between since their arms aren't touching.

"Wa'alaikum assalam." Both Huzaif and Suwaid brought back their façade, they actually didn't let the façade drop because they are in public.

"Good afternoon." She greeted them with utter respect, taking her head down to avoid eye contact with her future brother in-laws and princes.

"Afternoon, I'm Falak." Falak answered for them this time around because the young girl looks skittish and squirrelly, that confirmed how intimidating the princes are.

"I'm Madeeha." She smiled at Falak and Falak could see how she l sighed in relieve when she talked. Everyone is intimidated with those huge hunks, she knew that because she was in her place some hours back.

"Oh, nice meeting you, Madeeha." She beamed, trying to move away from between Suwaid and Huzaif to sit beside her but they didn't let her.

Huzaif and Suwaid could both see how the guys around the place are looking at Falak, some even called their friends and asked them to come and see her, they could see them from the window. Their blood boiled very hot and so they fix her small body in between them, they didn't bother looking at the boys around, they know not to mess with the princes or not even their lives will be ruined, even their next twenty generation could be ruined.

"But I want to talk to her." She sulked in a small voice, they didn't show her any sign that they heard her.

If she knew having brothers is like this, she wouldn't have wanted a brother But, she loves them even like that. She feels loved that they are acting all possessive around her just by knowing her for a day, she likes the feeling of having them around her. It's still annoying though!

"So, Madeeha, do you go to school? University?" Falak asked from across the table almost uncomfortably since Madeeha looks very shy to talk about it.

"Yes, three hundred level." She beamed at Falak, blocking away all the princes around the table.

Falak always manage to burst her way into people's heart with just a smile, she's just that adorable. Madeeha could already see her as those sister in-laws that will play pranks to help them reconcile when they are fighting, she likes those types of sister in-laws and always dreamt about having one.

At first when everyone thought that there are only princes in the palace and not a single female except maid, they guessed right because the house was boring. Madeeha was almost hesitant about getting married in that family but it's Royal and her parents won't let her turn down the offer no natter what, she loves Humaid also.

"What are you studying?" She scooped a spoon of ice cream and pushed it into her mouth, she moaned just like she did with the other spoons she nursed.

"Culinary." She beamed, as if she's ready to start talking about her course with her supposing future sister in-law.

"Babe, not here." Humaid chuckled lovingly when he saw the excitement in both the girl's eyes.

The thing is, Falak doesn't know what culinary means so she asked Huzaif to give her a pen, he gave her a questioning look but gave her nevertheless. She wrote down the culinary down, but she still doesn't know if she spelt it correctly or not but she knew she could say it again.

"Can I get your number then?" Madeeha asked with hopeful gaze since her fiancée stopped her from talking more. He knew how she gets when she's exciting and combining the mixture with Falak, their ears will bleed.

Falak asked Suwaid for her number which he gave her and they continue to nurse their ice creams, well, Falak continued nursing it since they didn't touch theirs. Sensing that they are not going to eat it, she asked the people there to package it for her. She beamed internally, already happy that she will sit in her hammock and nurse it while reading one of the books Imad said he will give her. Hmm, interesting!


Me is fine, how about you? I hope y'all are doing absolutely perfect and also happy. And I hope you had a good day just like I did (no, mine was boring to tell you the truth) but well... Happy Birthday TheOmoope
May continue to bless you always.
RQ; Would you rather find your true love or have a suitcase with five million dollars? Hehehe, this is also a trap, don't you think😂 I love money and I want to find my true love... You?


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