Chapter 24

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"I know you can't r-respond, but please. Call me back!"
I give a large and heavy sigh as I turn off the voice mail.
"I never thought...Ricky as one as under age drinking.." Big Red says as he comes down the stairs. "I mean..have you seen him?"
"Me neither," I say. "I really wish I knew what was wrong with him."
"Did he touch you?"
"Me? No..threaten to? Yeah.." I take the bottle of water from Big Red. "Thanks."
"What was he doing at your place anyway?"
Forgot that I didn't really talk to him about it.
"Okay uhm. Ricky and I..we're..roommates? At UCLA, and he lied and told you guys he goes to Tampa for some reason. Then..we planned to go here, which is something I regret doing and never wanted to do to begin with, and he had rented a place for us and..well. You know." I explain.
"Wait, are you 2 together again? What am I missing here?" He asks, sitting on his bed.
"No no no. Never will be." I pause. "Why do I keep coming back to the guys I don't need most?"
"Hope I'm not one of them.." he jokes, causing me to frown. "Sorry."
"I-it's fine. and Ashlyn?"
They've been together for a long time now and I've been constantly wondering why I can't last as long.
"Great. No. Amazing. Ashlyn, is a package that comes with everything I need to be happy. I'm just hoping I'm the same for her.." he responds, forcing a smile.
"I'm sure you are. She wouldn't have stayed with you if you weren't. Trust me."
Instead of forcing a smile, he turns it into a real one, causing me to do the same.
"You can stay whenever you want or need. And..I'm sorry these guys keep coming into your lives. Ricky and EJ. EJ..have you guys?.."
"I've been..ignoring..him for the most part. I'm sure..he's changed."
He hasn't change. I know that. But, won't hurt to hope, will it?
"Do you mind? If I stay over tonight?" I ask, looking at the clock in his wall.
"No. Not at all. You can take my bed, and I can just make a bed on the f-"
"It's fine. I can sleep on the floor. Trust me."
He nods and stands up.
"Are you still...going to rehearsal?" He asks, giving me a hopeful glare.
"I-..." I sigh. "No. I will tomorrow though. For sure."
"Alright. Well..I'm going to head out. I'll be back soon, you can make yourself comfortable or whatever." He says, walking towards his stairs.
"Thanks. And thank you. So much. For taking me in for the night.."
"It's no problem. None at all."
He gives me a big smile before walking up the stairs, and out of my sight.

"Is she here?" I ask as I barge into the diner we were suppose to all meet up at. "Nini?"
  EJ gives me a concerned look, including everyone else in the booth.
  "Is Nini here?" I repeat, walking up to them.
"What?" Kourtney asks. "No? She isn't here yet?"
  I look at the table. Every single person, as if I was a detective.
  "Dude," Big Red says all of a sudden. "Why are you so hyped up about it? Just..sit down and eat with us till she comes." He was reluctant to invite me, I could tell.
  "Do you know where she is?" I ask, scoffing.
  "No. I don't. I'm sure she'll be here soon. Just. Can you calm down and eat?"
  "Ricky," EJ says all of a sudden, "your breath reeks of alcohol!"
  I back up and roll my eyes.
"Okay..can we..not? Talk about that right now?" I pause. "So none of you guys, know where Nini is right n-"
  For the longest second, I blank out, causing me to fall forward, and directly at the table.
  "Ricky!?" I hear them shout, allowing me to catch myself last minute. I'm on my knees, holding myself up by the table inches above my head.
  "Shit.." I mumble as I force myself up. "Sorry I just." I tumble back down. "I'm just.. gonna stay right here."
  Everyone had already gotten up and out of their seat. Half of them were by my side.
  "How much did you drink?!" The voice, I am presuming is Ashlyns, asks, loudly as possible.
  "Say that a little louder. I don't think the staff in the kitchen heard you.." I groan, angry.
  "Sorry..I just. What the hell are you doing? Driving here drunk, and underage."
  "Okay. Do you need to remind me?" I slide myself up. "I'm just looking for Nini. This isn't that big of a deal right now."
  "Why the fuck are you so amp about Nini?" Carlos questions, causing my demeanor to change.
  "I don't know where she is or if she's lost. Please guys...have any of you guys seen her?"
   They all shake their heads, making me merely tear up. I collect myself quickly, in hopes they didn't see me in vein.

  I throw the keys onto the table and grab the broom in memory of the gigantic mess I made. I sweep the floor of its shattered ceramic and throw it away before wiping the floor clean of its alcohol that had already soaked into the wooden tiles.
I went looking around for Nini for 3 hours, going places like her house (her mother's better) the diner, the library...and basically every single place that Nini would go to on a regular basis and yet..nothing.
I sit down on the couch and unbutton the first 2 buttons of my undershirt and relax. I stare off for a while before taking my phone out of my pocket. I call Nini, but of course, she didn't answer.
"Hey..Nini.." I say quietly into the phone. "Uhm. I'm sorry..once again. I really need you here..and I don't know if I..scared you? Maybe? Hurt you? And I know..I have absolutely no excuse for my actions." I couldn't handle it. I only reunited with her for 3 weeks and I'm breaking down. "But please. I hope you don't.....take my tears as weakness but.. come back."
I hang up the phone and drop it next to me on the couch before placing my arms on my knees. I hold my head as I sob.

You guys got some of your answers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Shoutout to:
For saving my story into his or hers library!

I hope you have a good day or night!

Word count: 1117

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