The sun was rising and Dick was about to give up when he finally saw a glint. He moved towards it and dug through the rubbish until he found what he was looking for at last. It still made him fill with joy to see it, but also fear. He didn't know anymore if the fear was fear of rejection or fear of Jason himself. He pocketed it and began to head back to the hideout, it was going to be a long walk and maybe he shouldn't have stayed looking as long. He needed to blend in.

 He went into the first store he saw, not open yet, and in a couple moments security measures were disabled. He picked up some of the first stuff he saw, it didn't have to look good, it just had to make him invisible. His jeans were slightly too long, but he was used to that problem as he cuffed the bottom, a black top covered his chest whilst a blue bomber jacket covered up the rest of his torso. The only bag in the store was a black backpack in which he shoved his weapons and suit, making sure to remove the ring first. He slipped it on his finger, Jason's hand was bigger than his but close enough, people were less likely to recognise him if they thought he was married. He may be dead, but he could never be too careful. The last thing he did was put on a pair of sunglasses and then he left the store to join the city. 

It was more alive now, people waking up to begin their commutes to work, none of them gave him a second glance. What he wouldn't give to have an ordinary life? To have his parents and the circus back. Sure, the life he lived now was amazing, had been amazing. Helping people. stopping crime, but then it had always been very full, very selfless. If he could go back and not have done this, have never gone down this path, have warned someone about Zucco, he would, without hesitation. To be able to walk around without the weight of the world on his shoulders, maybe he could run away, start a new life. Everyone already thought he was dead, it wouldn't be hard.

"Wishful thinking," He muttered to himself as he turned another corner into the dodgier side of Gotham, not failing to notice the piss, blood and vomit that lined the streets, the people sleeping among it.

It was only another forty minutes before he arrived back at the base and entered the cabin before making his way to the underground labyrinth. He had barely made it two steps into the returns room before Slade's voice came from the doorway.

"You're late."

"I lost track of time," Dick replied as he put down his dagger, glad he had the common sense to wipe it clean on the walk home, "Sorry."

"Two slip ups in as many days, you're pushing your luck," He bit, "Breakfast is on the table, probably cold by now since you decided to take your time. Meet me in the surveillance room in 2 hours. Seems we need to revisit the basics."

He didn't wait for Dick's confirmation before he left, leaving him alone. Dick could feel the weight of the ring on his finger, glad Slade hadn't noticed it. Or at least if he had, hadn't put together that it was Jason's. He slipped it into his pocket as he headed over to the dining table to find his breakfast, cold. He knew better than to get caught reheating it so he just ate in silence as he prepared for the day ahead.


As soon as Jason had eaten he had moved with the others into the living room only to fall asleep on the sofa.  The others must have just left him to it as when he woke back up the afternoon sun was streaming through the windows onto Ace who had taken up for a nap as well. 

Voices floated in the kitchen, enough that he assumed that everyone had been called in, but no signs of arguments or outrage. Maybe they'd had the discussion about the evidence Jason had brought hours ago, maybe they were still waiting on someone. But Jason wasn't that bothered either way, he still needed time to adjust. Time to recognise that the despair in his heart was lifting, hope starting to combat it. 

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