Chapter 5

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Percy yawned. Annabeth had called a quick meeting with the head Counsellors of camp on short notice to discuss battle plans.

He focused his gaze on Annabeth. She was hunching over her laptop, stoic expression showing no weakness.

"Alright, Clarisse, take the Ares cabin to the north of the island. Fight the enemy as best as you can. Take the chariots. The Athena cabin will help to fend off the enemy with you. We need the best fighters out there, since the bulk of the army should be there."

Clarisse La Rue didn't argue, despite the Ares and Athena cabins not exactly being the best of friends. She just nodded her head seriously.

"Travis and Conner, I want you to take the Hermes cabin to fight the army of undead along with the remaining Amazons in the south of the island. Don't harass any of the Amazons, they'll probably kill you for doing so. I don't care what you do to the army of undead, steal their weapons, trip their feet, just prevent them from getting to camp."

"Oh my gods, did you hear that? I never thought that a day would come when she said those words," Conner Stoll fake gasped.

"Did she knock her head? Oh no, poor dear, I hope she didn't do that while she was too busy making out with Jackson here. They would be interrupted mid-kiss," Travis Stoll snickered and made smoochy noises. Travis had snuck out of college to assist Camp Half-Blood in fighting this war.

Percy rolled his eyes. Everyone else smirked.

Annabeth just ignored them and continued.

"Lou, you and your siblings are going to follow them and use all the tricks you have to disorientate the enemies whenever they go too close to anyone. Make sure to stand away from the fight, okay?"

Lou grinned and nodded.

"Austin, go with the other Apollo kids to the west of the island. Defend the west with the half of the Hunters there. Shoot them down."

"Roger that," Austin replied.

"The Hephaestus Cabin and the Hypnos Cabin have successfully created arrows that harness the water from the river Lethe and explode upon impact. Use them wisely. Er, try not to wipe your own memories and the Hunters' while you're at it."

Annabeth gestured to the ground beside her, where ten quivers of said arrows were laid on the ground. Austin took them carefully, knowing full well the dangers of the arrows.

"Hey! No fair! Why don't we get any of those?" The Stoll brothers complained.

"She just doesn't trust you with it." Austin replied unsympathetically.

The Stolls folded their arms. Annabeth ignored them again and continued.

"Healers who aren't fighting and those who are injured or too young to fight can report to Camp Jupiter. Will, you're in charge of bringing them safely to camp." Will nodded. "If you get badly injured during battle, take one of the storm spirit horses to Camp Jupiter."

"Okay, that's all, any questions?"

Clarisse raised her hand.

"How about the east of the island?"

"That part is already guarded by some Roman demigods and Reyna from camp Jupiter. If we want to win this war, just like the previous Great Prophecy, both Roman and Greek demigods need to work together."

"Who's gonna defend camp? I mean like, closer to the camp. We can't just put all we have into one line of defence," Will questioned.

"The prophesied seven, half of the Hunters, and the Aphrodite and Demeter cabin will defend camp. If the enemy makes it past the first layer of defence, the traps in the woods made by the Hephaestus Cabin will slow them down."

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