A/N & Prologue

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First off, I don't own Percy Jackson or the Heroes of Olympus. They belong to the one and only Rick Riordan.

Also, you can probably find this story on quotes or fanfiction.net, 'cause it's posted on those websites too.

Anyways, I like to keep A/Ns short, so sit back, grab some popcorn, roast some marshmallows and enjoy the story. ;)

















Leo took a deep breath. He pressed the red "start" button and took a step back.

"Uh okay, so HI! Apparently, your man Leo, Super McShizzle, Bad Boy Supreme, Commander of the Toolbelt, Chef Leo the Tofu Taco Expert and a whole bunch of other aliases (yeah I know I'm a man of many names) is NOT dead! I'm back!"

"Uh, whether or not you're happy about that." He added as an afterthought, still grinning.

"Took the physician's cure as soon as I died (Festus helped a lot, thanks buddy), yeah so well, I'm alive and kicking. Yeah, just so you know, dying kinda sucked and to reassure you guys, I'm not gonna do it again, well hopefully. Boy, I can't wait for all of y'all's hugs and kisses when I get back, but right now I'm gonna travel around a bit with my girl Calypso here, so won't be back anytime soon."

Leo turned to Calypso and whispered discreetly (well, at least he attempted to).

"Say hi, Sunshine! Don't be rude!"

Calypso ignored him, rolling her eyes.

Sighing, he turned back to the camera-scroll.

"Okay, so right now I'm rescuing Cal here from Ogygia and-"

"I DO NOT NEED YOUR RESCUING LEO VALDEZ! And how many times must I tell you, you are NOT rescuing me! You are just taking me on a permanent vacation, you got it?"

"Okay, so Cal is letting me take her from her island 'cause she can't resist my charm and-"


"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Stop yelling for gods' sake!!"

He looked back at the scroll.

"Okay, so... BYE!"

Hastily, he ended the recording.

The Son of Hephaestus folded the scroll into a paper aeroplane ('cause why not) and tossed it into the air. A breeze carried it away.

After all, Calypso could control some air spirits and air spirits sent stuff by paper aeroplane all the time. Coach Hedge had said that other air spirits would keep the letter going across the ocean until it finds Camp Half-Blood, or in particular, his wife, Mellie the cloud nymph. Leo knew that it wasn't as fast as an Iris message (sadly the rainbow goddess didn't accept nuts and bolts as an offering) and although whether the message got across depended on if the spirits decided to be helpful enough, making it a risk, he knew it was his best bet of getting the scroll (aeroplane? aeroscroll?) to his friends.

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