2X11: By the Light if the Moon- Part 3

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"Where is she?" Damon and I ask at the same time, pissed I might add.

"Let it go you two. Don't be stupid." Alaric attempts to calm us down.

I scoff. "What, we are just suppose to let her get that?" So not happening.

"You've been marked." Damon repeats her words, scoffing. "What the hell kind of wolf throw-down crap is that, anyway?

"Damon, Mystal. Just look up." Alaric's tone firms. All of three of us look. The moon is full and shining. "If this werewolf stuff is true, one bite and either of you die. One bite." Alaric stresses. "All right? Don't risk it. Just go home, lock your doors, and we'll deal with it in the morning."

I turn to Damon to see what he is gonna say. He hesitantly nods. "Yeah."

He grabs my arm, not forcefully like yesterday, and we take off, leaving Alaric.


We vamp speed home, obviously. Damon opens our door and we walk in, then he locks it behind us. Little dramatic, but I don't oblige. We take a few steps before he stops me, listening carefully.

"What?" I whisper.

He just walks into our living another room not answering me. I huff, following, and we find Rose on our couch. She still here?

"Just can't stay away, can ya?" Damon asks her.

"Well, neither of you answer your phones." She stands up.

"What do you want?" I just get right to it. I just want a hot bath and some wine.

"I wanted to apologize." She starts. I raise a brow.

"Just admit it." Damon crosses his arms. "You don't have anywhere else to go." Mmm. I look at the ground. I feel bad for her, only a little!

"I'm sorry about Elena, and about you." She turns to me. "I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't know she had a death wish and I sure, didn't know, that you would follow." She walks closer to us. "But I called you." She's now referring to Damon of course. "I tried to make it right, ok? I am sorry Damon and Mystal. And I-I have nowhere else to go." She finally admits. She gives us a smile.

"You don't have to apologize to me." I assure her, shrugging. "We're cool."

"There's nothing here for you, Rose." Damon starts walking further into the room. I punch his arm. I mean, we aren't a bed and breakfast, but a little entertainment wouldn't hurt.

"Well, then...." Before she can finish her sentence glass breaks.

Rose and I turn quickly. All three of us run back to our entryway to find a window broken. Damon speeds over and grabs a weapon off the wall. We all turn to find a gray wolf standing in our living room growling at us.

"Damon! Mystal!" Rose shouts. We dodge out of the way, but the wolf, who I just know is Wolflady, attack's Rose before she can move.

"Ahh!" Rose yells as the wolf snarls. They rustle around and the wolf bites her. Fuck. She yells louder.

"Damon, do something!" I yell at him and point to the sword in his hand.

He stabs the wolf with it and it quickly runs off. We crouch down to Rose.

"How bad is it?" Damon questions. There is a big blackish-red spot on her shoulder. Oohhh...

"It hurts." Rose winces as she looks down at it.

Damon and I's eyes widen.

"It's healing." I mutter in shock.

She starts to cry. "I thought a werewolf bite was fatal. I thought..." She cries more.

I guess it is only fatal to me, or who knows, maybe that was a lie too. Rose leans into Damon and I and we hug her. Yes we hug, we aren't that mean.

"It's all right." Damon whispers. "You're gonna be ok." I rub her back.


A little while later Damon and I are drinking on the couch. Rose comes in wearing a rob now since she went to shower.

"I talked to Caroline, she said Tyler was all locked up." He informs Rose since I already knew that.

"So it was Jules." Rose concludes. So that's her name, ew.

"I knew it." I called it!

"The other werewolf, the one who attacked you two?" Rose sits down with us.

"Yeahhh, we're sorry." I apologize for both of us.

"We picked a fight with her." Damon explains while pouring Rose a drink. "She was coming after us."

"All's well that ends well." Rose shakes it off.

"So you're all healed?" I speculate, not knowing anything about werewolf bites.

"Yeah." Rose almost doesn't believe how lucky she got. "Seems that way."

"Rose, uh..." Damon trials off. "I'm happy that the legend was fake." He is trying to show emotion, it's hard for him as is for me. "Maybe the werewolves made it up to keep vampires away."

"That's gotta be it." I laugh. "I am- uh glad as well." I tell her.

She smiles at us. "Lucky me."

Damon starts to rub his hand up her thigh, so I take that as my cue to leave. I go to stand.

"I'm gonna stay and help you guys." She says stopping me.

"Help us do what?" Damon is confused.

"Help you save Elena and Mystal. Protect Elena and Mystal, all things Elena and Mystal." She replies.

"Really?" I don't get why.

"Why?" Damon asks her.

"Because I like you and your sister." She turns to me, "I believe in friendship." I snort. Not my thing. "I happen to have a vacancy in that department, and you both can use all the friends you can get."

"Just friends?" Damon raises his eyebrows. Gross, I know what he is implying.

"Just friends." She nods back and stands.

Damon grabs her wrist and pulls her back to the couch so I speed out of there before they start... that. I hear kissing. I gag, that is my brother after all. I don't care though. I actually like Rose, and I did the same thing last night with Tyler soooo.

"You sure you can do that?" I hear Damon ask her.

"I don't love men who love other women." She tells him. I know she is referring to his feeling for Elena. "I think more of myself than that." You go girl. "But that doesn't mean I can't be a special friend." I hear her add. Ah, there is it. A girls got needs.

Damon laughs. "I think I like you."

I smile. I shouldn't be eavesdropping, but I can't help it. Damon needs this. I hear the kissing continue and go to head upstairs when I hear Rose say ow. I sneak back in to see them looking at her shoulder. It has all these sores, bump looking things.

Oh shit.

The Salvatore Sister: TVD- Season 2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin