"Wow. Rude. I'm the inspector of houses, may I check your house situation?" He says.

I nodded. Letting the man join my living room.

He quickly glanced at the little door that was supossed to be well hidden.

"What is on here?" He asked.
"Just a thing" I said.
"Okay, I love seeing things" he said, as he opened the door.

He messed up.

I follow him inside, and immediatly start hearing him complaining about the smell, and how bad the place seemed.
"This- pfff-I cant eve-" he coughed.
"Shut up, I bet your house is-" I got interrupted.
"Help, he-HELP" He yells at me. I look at him. His face is almost green, he seems to be right about to throw up, or pass out, or maybe even both things.

Soon, I see his entire body falling directly to the floor, his head hitting the wall. That must hurt.
"Ehhhhh what do I dooo?" I thought, feeling myself dizzy. I need to get out of here.

But I can't just leave him here, can I?  I argued with myself, when suddenly Lucy joined the room and went straight to the unconscious body.

"Lucy... please, stop it" I thought, watching her bitting the hoodie sleeve of the guy, trying her best to move him, or wake him up.

I sighed. "Okay okay, let me do it" I tell her.
I grabbed the best way I could the guy's body, picking him up, in bridal style.

*3rd person POV*
As little as he was, the black haired guy wasn't that light. Darryl was already thinking on dropping him, but before that, he should try a little more.

Finally, he was able to get out of the room, and he put the other man on the sofa of his living room.

Darryl sighed. Out of all the guys that could inspect his house, it had to be an hypersensitive,right?

"Inspect my house?"

He quickly turned around to the guy who was laying on the sofa, and had completely passed out.

"Who the hell are you!?" Darryl suddenly yelled at him. Something was off.
He knew that in other circunstances, he should totally call an ambulance, or give him some type of help, but something was clearly out of place here.

He then realized, the transformation that was happening. The not-anymore unconscious guy was bleeding, while something was growing on his body.

It was all over his arms, his back, and even his face. Small crystals were appearing, taking all the space they could.
Screams could be heard, coming from the obvious victim: Zak.
His skin was quickly and painfully turning into a shade of dark and light blue, product of all of the crystals that could be seen.
His pain was huge. He couldn't move, and even if he could, it would be a terrible idea.
Tearing up, he tried his best to look around, searching for some type of help, something to do. Someone. Anyone. Anything.

Unfortunately, all he saw with his blurry eyes, was a man standing in front of him, tremblingly aiming with a gun, ready to pull the trigger.
With an unknown strength, the shorter guy tried his best to move to the side...
But it was already too late.

One shot.

Two shots

And a third.

It all went black, and there was no longer pain.

Darryl sighed. He has a lot of blood to clean later.

"Go away, Lucy, it isn't the moment for-"
"Stop licking my fac-"

Slowly, Darryl could feel the annoying light coming right at his face. The sunlight was there. It was day time.
He forced himself to open his eyes. He was more confused than ever before.
"Where am I?"he asked himself, looking around. He saw Lucy, his little dog, who was still licking him, now, his right hand instead of his face.
He moved his hand away, only to realize something concerning.
"Why the hell do I have my gun with me?????" He thought, holding it and looking around.
He recognized his room. He was layed on bed, with his phone by his side.

Did he fall asleep scrolling through twitter?

"A fucking dream" he said.
"Or maybe more of a nightmare." He added.
"Or a little of both" he added again, caressing unconsciously his gun.

It was pretty obvious I think, so I hope I didnt scare anyone lmao.
Thank you for reading ♡ And if you liked it, I would appreciate a lot your vote ♡♡

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