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▪Day 4▪

A new day has started for Darryl, who was already awaken before the sun.
The brown haired boy was going out of the bathroom, feeling great.

"I should take morning showers more often." He thought, dressing himself up.

He decided that today he was finally going to talk to somebody again. A person that he has been ignoring for a couple of weeks now.
He knew it. Myla was going to be furious.

It didn't matter that much, still. At the end, the only reason Darryl has to talk to her, is because of his old friend Daniel.

{Daniel = DamnNightmare = 1st Owner of Munchy, and 1st friend of Darryl} (He is going to be important. Remember that)

He sighed, glancing at his phone.
It was 4:41 am. It would be pointless to try now. But he forced himself to do it, at some point today.

Meanwhile, he decided that it was a good time to do some house improvement. Even if the idea seemed awful as hell.

He went to his basement and started the cleanup. That room was by far the worst place in his house. So, it was time to change that.
He quickly noticed that it would be better if he first cleanned that up, and then take a shower. The place was awful on every way possible. H

Just 10 minutes later, he was already tired. The air smelled so bad, that he convinced himself it wasn't just laziness. He quickly went to his own bed to rest for a little while. He layed on bed, as he watched stuff on his phone.

*Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrr trrrrrrrrrrr*

"Huh? What is that?" He thought, clearly unaware of what should be a familiar sound for him.
He reacted quickly, going to his wardrobe and looking for his gun.

He grabbed it, ready for the fight that could take place at any moment. He is not the type of guy that will let you rob his house.

"Who's there? Get out right now" Darryl yelled, as he walked out of his room.


"WHO IS THERE? I HAVE A GUN" He yelled again, this time feeling like something was off.

He looked around, realizing his lovely Rat was nowhere to be seen.
No. Everything but that...

*Trrrrrrrrrrrrr trrrrrrrrrrrr*

The unexpected sound scared him. He almost used his gun against his own wall.
But then he realized.

"Isn't that... my doorbell?"

He quickly realized that yes, in fact it was. And he was doing something stupid right now.
He went back to his wardrobe as fast as he could, and let the gun there.

*Darryl POV*

I opened the door to find an unknown short black haired guy in front of me. And on top of that, I also found Rat, who was licking his face.

"Ohh hello" he says, giggling. Trying his best to make my dog stop.
He seemed to be failing.

"What do you want?" I said, straight to the point. I have zero interest on talking to an unknown guy who randomly appeared on my door.

•HardcoreBoyHalo•  [Skephalo]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن