Good News.

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Charlie POV:

"Its going to be okay Charlie, you're going to be fine its not like you need him or anything, you're a strong, independent woman..." That was my best friend Carrie, I don't think that she realizes that breaking up with Luke was my idea. You see two years ago I got together with the biggest crush of my life. To me Luke was perfect, he was on the school football team, he was really good looking, he could even play the guitar. Then a week before I left school he asked me out. I couldn't begin to explain how ecstatic I was. I'd been crushing on Luke for just under a year and when he asked me out I was over the moon, and of course I said yes! We were together for just two years.

Everything was perfect in my life. I had Luke, I had a job that I absolutely loved. I work behind a bar in Surrey, it doesn't sound great or fun, but you meet so many different people and you're guaranteed to have a laugh. I also have my own house that I shared with Luke. Not anymore. You're probably thinking 'shut up woman, why aren't you with Luke anymore?' Well lets go to that then.

~~Yesterday up to today~~

I waited in the living room for Luke to get home. We have barely seen each other all week and we said that tonight, before I go to work we would sit down and have a meal together. Just spend some time with each other, only he isn't home yet. I gave up waiting and started clear everything away, as I picked up the empty plates my phone began to ring and without hesitation I put the plate down and grabbed my phone off the counter answering it "Luke where are you?!" There was a loud noise in the background, like muffled music and talking "aw Im at work babe, late shift sorry I won't make it!" I sighed shaking my head and before I went to talk I heard a group of people chanting "down it, down it, down it" I picked up the plate again taking it into the kitchen "you know what Luke? Have fucking fun!" I hung up the phone and a surge of rage coursed through my veins as I sent the glass plate flying.

I wasn't having any of his bullshit lies, not today! I got ready for work leaving listening to my iPod when You Me At Six came on. A smile started forming on my cheeks and I forgot about what was going on. Im not going to let Luke ruin my night, No way.

I got into work and went straight to my locker putting my stuff away "CHAAAAARRLLLIIIIEEEE!" I turned around as my boss, Ethan, was shouting me, well singing my name. "Yes Ethan?" I made my way back out to the bar area cleaning up before we open "guess who's coming tomorrow night?!" He had a jump in his step as he walked towards me with a smile on his face. "Elvis?!" I gave him a sarcastic look as he stopped in his tracks.

Ethan was on of my closest friends, ever since I started working here we've become closer. He's a really nice guy and his fiancé just so happens to be Carrie. "No silly willy!! Only You Me At Six!! They just released their album Hold Me Down and want to celebrate in their own town!" My heart was in my throat and before I knew it I was jumping up and down "oh my god!! Please tell me you're not messing with me!" He ran up to me jumping too, leaving us jumping in circles around each other. "No!! Oh my god! Its going to be super busy so you have to work longer, sorry" I shook my head, I was so happy I couldn't believe my luck right now! I was about to cry with happiness "its okay oh my god, Ethan I love you so much! Ahhh Carrie is soooo lucky!" We continued jumping up and down and going mental the whole night. Every time we had the chance we would.

I woke up the next day with a massive smile on my face I couldn't wait for work tonight, its going to be amazing! I got dressed listening to You Me At Six to get in the mood for it when someone started banging on my front door. I ran down stairs answering it, my smile dropped. "I've packed your shit, you're moving out Luke!" He pushed past me into the kitchen getting a drink of water "you're not kicking me out" I took the glass off him as he went to drink it "actually yes. I am. Now please leave, Im sick of your bullshit lies and to be quite honest you're a prick and we're over!" I turned him around pushing him out the door "two years Charlie, you're giving up two years because I went out last night!?" You Me At Six were still blaring from my room and I felt like nothing Luke said could really affect my mood. I was happy, and Im sure as hell not going to let him change that! "No, you gave up two years when you stopped trying to make this work. Im just laying it down. Now can you get the fuck out my house!"

I called Carrie over after I finally got Luke to leave, which takes us back to what's happening now "....Luke is going to be lost without you, just don't let him get you down love" she finally finished her little speech allowing me to add my part "Carrie, I left him, Im perfectly fine, I wouldn't have done it if I never wanted to" she was applying her makeup in my room with You Me At Six still playing, I had them on shuffle on my computer and was not planning on turning them off for anyone, until work of course. I won't have a choice then.



Sooooooooooooo what do you think?! Looking forward to it?

I will still be paying attention to my other fanfics too don't worry. If you haven't read them, you should check them out, it'd mean a lot!!

Comment/Vote/Fan? It also means a lot!? Feedback is always appreciated and your input is important!!!

Love you's thanks for reading!!

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