What A Shame, That You Came Here With Someone.

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Charlie Pov:

"Maximus hurry up I'm ready!!" I shouted upstairs with a massive grin on my face. We were about to go out to a club. "I'm coming Choo Choo Train!" He takes absolute ages to get ready, I was done half an hour ago! "What took you so long batty boy?" I winked at him and grabbed his hand dragging him out the door. "My hair wouldn't sit. Why are you so keen?" Tonight it was just going to be me, Max, Dan, Elissa and Matt. We weren't celebrating, it was just a Saturday night. Chris was visiting someone and Josh was ill. Its been 2 months since we started dating and I've never been more happy. I couldn't stop smiling as we got into the taxi.


I wasn't getting too wasted, just a little light headed. I was dancing in the middle of the dancefloor with Elissa and Dan. "My round?!" I shouted as we stopped dancing. They nodded and headed off to the booth. I made my way to the bar. "Hey, can I get 10 Jagers, 5 vodka shots and 5 beers?" I smiled wide at the male bartender. "Of course!" Another guy sat down beside where I was standing, "hey, I'm Aaron" he stuck his hand out "Charlie" I shook his hand and he smirked. "You should come over to our table, you look like you know how to have fun?" I shook my head laughing. Is he flirting with me? Oh lord. "I can't sorry!" I guess I did actually look decent tonight. I was wearing a sort of short black dress that only had one strap, but its was all ruffly from the strap across to the bottom. It was really nice. Elissa picked it out. My hair was curled and pinned to the side.

"Oh, what a shame that you came here with someone" he looked at me pouting. I stifled a giggle. "Is it your boyfriend?" I shook my head at him "so you're single?" I shook my head again and he raised his eyebrow. "My boyfriend isn't well, I came with a few mates" he nodded sounding out an ahh. The bartender passed over all the drinks and I got Dan's attention as I paid the guy. "It was nice meeting you Aaron" I kissed his cheek and helped Dan back with the drinks. "Who was that?" He nudged my shoulder a little not spilling anything. "Some guy that wanted in my pants" I winked at him and he laughed. "Alrighty then!"

"We've brought the bar, it seems!" I laughed at Dan as he sat the tray on the table. "Charlie, you did good!" I don't think I'm going to finish all of my drinks. There's something I want to do. "Guys do you mind if I head off after a couple more?" I tried my hardest not to smirk, "why? Does Charlie have needs?" Elissa winked at me and my face turned bright red. "Yes, Charlie does have needs. But right now these 'needs' entail looking after her boyfriend." I gave them a sarcastic smile and Elissa smiled back. "I don't care. I'm just glad that you actually care about him" I blushed downing the remains of my beer. "Of course I do. So then, does Charlie have permission to leave?" She nodded her head smiling wide at me. I can tell that she was a little drunk but the heaviness of her eyes and the slight slur in her speech. "Okay, Bye guys! I'll see your hangover faces tomorrow!" I winked at them and skipped out the door.

"Charlie!!! Wait up!" I heard a new voice yell from behind me. Aaron? I stopped in my tracks turning to face him. "Uhh yes?" He stumbled over to me, blatantly out of his face. "I just wanted to say goodbye" okay, I don't even really know this guy. His hand swept the side of my face and tucked hair behind my ear. "Aaron, you should go home. You're drunk" he leaned in to try and kiss me, so instinctively I moved pushing him away. "I thought you liked me Charlie?" I was starting to get a little scared "I don't even know you, I have a boyfriend, please let me go!" My heart started pounding against my chest as he pushed me up against the wall. "You led me on!"

I shook my head frantically trying my hardest to stop his lips from connecting with mine. "No, I didn't. I told you I have a boyfriend." He started laughing, the menacing noise filled me with fear. "Hello Charlie." My body froze as the familiar voice echoed from behind Aaron. I don't want this to happen. Please let me go! Please?!?" I wriggled out of Aaron's grip trying to run as fast as these heels would allow me. I was crying now, I could taste the Salt substance in my mouth. Someone's hand grabbed my shoulder spinning me around. "I just want you to have fun tonight. Its been a while since I've fucked you" his voice dripped with venom. As he pinned me against the wall. "Fuck off Luke!!"



Really short filler chapter, I'm hopefully updating it again soon

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