I Can't Believe You.

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Im going to be doing different POV's in this one now that its going to be more interesting.


Charlie POV:

I woke up on my couch next to Josh, the tv was still on and there was pizza boxes and beer bottles everywhere, I picked my phone up checking the time, it was half 12 "shit Josh wake up!!" I started nudging him quickly as his phone buzzed. "What?" I sat up checking to see if someone was calling him he had so many missed calls, it was just a text he got. "Josh get up its half 12!!" He shot up banging our heads together "shit Im going to be late for band practise" I grimaced rubbing my head as pain shot through it "Ouch! I can give you a lift if you need one?" I was still rubbing my head as I stood up grabbing my car keys "Oh my god yes! You absolute sweetheart!!" We raced out to my car.

He asked if I minded going to McDonalds first to get breakfast through the drive thru. Then he gave me directions to Matt's house house, where I would drop him off for band practise.

We just parked outside Matt's house, sitting in silence. It wasn't awkward, just silent. "So last night was fun, we should do it again sometime?" I smiled uncontrollably, it felt nice to get told that by a bloke and with Luke he used to just nod when I said nice things. "Yeah it was, and yeah we should definitely" I looked over at him watching as the smile crept up on his face too "so you're not going to blow me off?" I laughed and remembered every time that he'd ask to hang out "nope" I said popping the 'p'. He opened the car door looking back over his shoulder "I'll call you then" I nodded my head, not that he could really see "I'll be waiting" I said jokingly as he left the car. I could see Matt by the door so I waved "Bye Matt!!" How can I not acknowledge him though?

Matt POV:

I watched as Josh walked towards me, I bent over looking into the car and waving to Charlie. My mind went back to the events of last night "Bye Matt!!" I waved at Charlie and then walked back into my house. Josh was playing with Jasper my cat and my thoughts wondered back to last night once again..

~~Last Night~~

I was sitting in my living room with Cassie, she kept texting someone, she wasn't getting replies but she kept texting this person. "Who is ignoring you then?" She shook her head as I watched her face go crimson red "no one just checking up on someone" I never thought tonight was going to go like this, not this boring anyway "can I use your bathroom?" I nodded my head pointing to where it was. She sat her phone on the table and got up walking away. I made sure she was in the bathroom before I grabbed her phone going straight to the most recent texts.

To: Charl.. From: Me

'You're so pathetic are you even aloud to breed?'

To: Charl.. From: Me

'Ew is it true you've got AIDs? Bet it is!'

To: Charl.. From: Me

'Do you really think that Josh likes you?'

I was completely shocked at what I was reading, who would say this to anyone? "What are you doing with my phone?" I stood up rapidly walking towards her "are you the private number that's harassing Charlie!?" I raised my voice a little near the end. Her face went more red as she looked at the ground "Cassie!! Are you the private number that's harassing Charlie!?" She nodded her head shamefully not looking up to face me. "Why did you do it?!" She grabbed her phone off me putting it in her pocket "because everyone thinks she is so fucking perfect! Charlie this, Charlie fucking that! What about me? Why don't I get to be friends with my favourite band members, why can't I have a really good relationship!? She think's she's got it so fucking hard!!" I was actually disgusted, I can't believe it "so you thought that you'd make her life miserable, possibly even scared her!? What's wrong with you?" I walked over to the couch picking up her jacket "if you don't tell her Cassie, I will." She sighed grabbing her jacket off me a storming over to the door "That's right, take her fucking side!!" She was halfway down my lawn before she turned around flipping me off "grow up for fuck sake!"

I snapped out of my daze when Josh threw a paket of crisp at me "You alright mate?" I picket the packet up walking into the living room behind him. "I don't know, something happened with Cassie last night" I sat down and Jasper came and sat on my knee "Oooh! What happened?" I knew he'd get the wrong end of the stick "nothing you're thinking about, I found something out. How's Charlie holding up with all these texts she's getting?" He shrugged his shoulders "I don't know, she keeps saying she's fine, why?" I honestly didn't want to believe what I was about to say "Its Cassie" he looked at me confused "what do you mean 'its Cassie'?" He took his phone out of his pocket dialling a number "the texts are from Cassie"



I know Its boring but I felt like i should update ASAP.... oh well /:

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