Taking The Blame.

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Charlie POV:

"Why though? I mean the last time we spoke you told me that you basically didn't want to see me again?" He sighed heavily into his hands, I didn't want to be mean but I wasn't just going to let it go. "I didn't mean it! You were being difficult and I wanted to be there for you I wanted to make you happy" I pushed him away. This is my fault not his. "Why do you even care though? Im nothing special I don't even have a job anymore" He looked into my eyes for the first time in a while "you're supposed to be my friend I was looking out for you!"

I felt a stabbing in my heart at the word 'friend' knowing that it was all we were ever going to be. Just friends. "Yeah I get you its cool. I should probably go or something?" I didn't want to start another fight, I didn't have it in me. I stood up walking towards the door "Charlie wait" he spun me around to face him. His bright blue eyes staring deep into mine. I swallowed the lump that had appeared in my throat. The air between us was intense. I could feel his breath on my face, my heart started beating faster and my palms became sweaty. He leaned in and softly pressed his moist lips against mine. It felt like sparks were flying from us, there was a tingly feeling in my stomach. He kissed me. Josh Franceschi kissed me.

The door burst open and I separated from Josh as he moved quickly back to looking out the window. Dan, Matt, Max and Chris piled in. Oblivious to what they just interrupted. They looked at me puzzled as I stood abandoned in the center of the room. "You alright Charlie? You're looking a bit pale?" I panicked a little before Josh spoke. "She's just ill, she was just about to go and say goodbye to Elissa." Josh spoke in a harsh tone. Ill?! You just kissed me! Are you fickle or something? "Uhh Yeah, sorry guys catch up soon yeah? Max call me later please?" I went along with what Josh said. I should have known it'd be a mistake. I furrowed my eyebrows looking at Max. I need him to understand. "Yeah definitely!" He looked at me then glanced back at Josh. He got it. "Great, bye guys!" I didn't even get some pizza.

It wasn't long before Max called "Hey Maximus" I was back at home, I didn't tell Elissa about anything that had happened because I knew she would judge me. You see, the girl that Josh went on a date with a while back has been dating Josh ever since. "Hey Charlie, what's going on?" Wait, why should I feel guilty? Josh kissed me! I never kissed him. "Have you spoken to Josh?" I wanted to know what he knew first. "Nothing, he didn't say a thing in fact he dodged the whole topic. Every time someone mentioned you he changed the subject. Whats going on!?"

Nice, so everything was a mistake. He didn't feel what I felt, the sparks. Contagious Chemistry? Not this time Charlie. You're on your own on this one. "It doesn't matter. As Josh said, I'm just 'ill'. Can you tell Elissa that I'm sorry for not staying around please?" What was I thinking? All this is insane I should have known from the start. "Yeah sure, just know that you can talk to me Charlie. I won't say a word". I signed heavily I know that I can trust Max, its just Josh is one of his best friends and I can't make him keep secrets from his best friends.

"I know Max, just not about this. Thanks though" I felt bad and I won't stop feeling bad because Josh has a girlfriend and we kissed. It might not mean something to him but it happened. "That's alright, I've got to go, talk to you soon. Love you Charlie" I smiled a little before replying "Love you too Maximus!" He hung up and I just sat there thinking. Am I in over my head? I mean Josh and I are nothing alike. He expresses his feelings, he sings about them for fuck sake. I bottle it up and don't talk about it. Why was he even my friend in the first place?

I sat there thinking for a while until someone chapped my door. I walked over to the door slowly. Who the fuck could that be? I opened it hesitantly to reveal a female figure standing with her arms crossed. She had a face like thunder, anger spread across it thickly. "Uh hi?" I didn't know what else to say. I felt a searing pain go through my head as her fist collided with my face. "What the fuck was that for!? Who even are you!?" I retorted. Why is there an aggressive girl at my door!? "Im Josh's girlfriend you fucking slut!!" She punched me again this time it hitting my mouth. I cupped my eye in my hand wiping away the blood from my mouth the the other. "Dude what the fuck!? I didn't do anything!" She punched me again. I would hit back but I don't want to give Josh another reason to hate me. "Will you fucking stop that?"

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