1. Intro

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Hayoon had the perfect life, the perfect job, the perfect friends, the perfect boyfriend. She had the whole nine yards and then some.

At least that's how it appeared to the rest of the world.

But that's not the way she saw it. She had the ill fortune of being able to see what everyone else couldn't. And it wasn't perfect or even pretty. It was messy and dark and twisted. It had her screaming on the inside, had her trying to claw her way out of this mirage of perfection that had been built around her. She didn't create it, nor did she want it.

All she wanted was for life to go back to the way it was. Back to before she was having to constantly look over her shoulder. Or to take a different route home everyday. Or worry if that gut wrenching feeling that something bad was going to happen would ever go away. It wouldn't, but she knew that already.

Hayoon also knew that whoever was following her wasn't going away either.

No, she didn't know who he was or what he looked like. Never even caught a glimpse of him. Didn't even know if he was a he, that was more or less an assumption. But he was definitely there, watching, following. Even when she was asleep he was still there in her dreams, a faceless person waiting in the shadows.

When it first started she wanted to tell someone, wanted to go to the police. But what was she going to say? "Hey, I think someone's following me."

"Why do you think that, have you seen anyone suspicious?"

"No, not technically."

"How do you know someone's following you?"

"Um...gut feeling?"

They would laugh in her face and then she would really be on her own. No one would ever listen to her again after spouting such utter nonsense.

So what was she to do but simply keep it to herself and hope that she made it through to the next day.

And so that's what she did. That is...until things started to get increasingly worse. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep her secrets once the gifts started arriving.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's start from the beginning...

Let me just set sth straight real quick before this story begins. There is no "good guy" or "hero" here, at least not one that lives anyways...

Idk if I should actually be posting this but I said I would so here it is

Will be
updated on
Fridays :)))))

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