Ch. 12 - Is this.... the end?

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He couldn't hesitate what he needed to do. Tom grabbed the spray bottle and slammed open his door, making everybody in the living room aware of his presence. The void eyed man slowly stepped down the stairs, the spray bottle of water behind his back to conceal it before he used it. This was his first attempt he had ever made with facing his fear... and hopefully his last in just a few minutes.

"So Tord, how are you doing?" Tom said as he stepped closer to the couch onto the side Tord was sitting on. Tom started at Tord directly in the eyes, waiting for an answer from him. Tord looked at him, and while maintaining eye contact, he said, "I'm fine Tom, how about you?" while smiling at him just like nothing was wrong. Tom felt the feeling of disgust crawl up his spine and the feeling of how good it would feel to pour the entire spray bottle onto the fake Tord at that very second. He knew, though, that good things come to those who wait.

"Tord, can I point out about the other day when you started destroying your own computer?" Tom remarked. He visibly saw Tord's breathing quicken the moment he asked the question, but ignored it and stared at Tord directly in the eyes like he could read everything that the Norwegian communist was thinking. Tord turned his head back to the television, but Tom continued to stand there and would not leave until he got an answer.

"Fine. I just wasn't feeling all that well that day." Tord replied eventually after one minute of Tom staring at him. Tom saw how uncomfortable Tord was looking but he didn't give an absolute shit. That demon wasn't Tord, and that body couldn't trick Tom that he was. The personality was too different for anyone to believe that if they went through what Tom did.

"So you don't feel well and destroy a thousand dollar gadget?" Tord started looking even more uncomfortable after that question. Tom successfully got him in a corner and he wasn't going to let Tord off the hook. He saw as Tord shrugged it off and bit his lip. Tom smiled.

"Okay I'm done with the bullshit. Why don't you let everyone know what you are, and maybe I'll let you off the hook." Tom said while having a massive grin spread across his face. It was all going to end here, wasn't it? Everything he had achieved from his hard work, and he was finally one step away from the finish line. It was finally over.

It was finally over.

It was finally over...wasn't it?

"Jehovah are you drunk? I-I have no idea what you are talking about." Tord stuttered, making Tom's smile grow even wider. The stupid demon was at a dead end and it had to accept that it was going to have to reveal itself. He looked down and saw Tord fiddling his fingers on his lap, looking for a desperate move to get it out of its situation and to continue the worthless game. And it's game was something that Tom had already won long ago. The spray bottle was still behind Tom's back, carefully hidden so that Tord couldn't see it in its sight of vision.

"Let's face it." Tom said out loud, and then crouched down to whisper huskily into Tord's ear, "You're at a dead end." Tord felt a cold shiver go up his spine and whimpered softly as Tom said those words. Tom actually almost saw genuine fear in his eyes until realizing how much of an act it really was. Edd and Matt looked both traumatized and confused, wondering what was happening and why.

Then, Tom pulled out the spray bottle. It was only then when Tord's traumatized expression slowly morphed into pure evil. A smirk spread across his face and his head twitched once to the left.

"I knew I smelled shit somewhere." Tord angrily said, standing up. The moment he stood up, his legs started morphing into dark red dry skin with some sort of black and red substance leaking from gashes and wounds. The bottom of his pants ripped and his arms slowly started turning into the same. His face morphed into pure evil; pale skin and blood dripping down the sides, his eyes larger with small white pupils and a black outer layer. His teeth gradually became sharp and longer than a humans, making his skull slowly becoming larger and disproportionately larger than the sides of his body.

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