Chapter Nine

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In the morning, Starchild was feeling bloated and nauseated.

After having a little too much to drink last night, he decided that he needed to take it easy.

Catman woke up Demon and he wouldn't stop bugging the bass guitarist until he got out of bed.

"Okay okay...I'm up I'm up"!

Vinnie heard the grumpy voice of Demon and it made him laugh quietly to himself.

At that moment, Starchild had already said that he was gonna be making pancakes for breakfast.

It would take a while for them to be done.

Emily on the other hand was still asleep in bed.

Vinnie decided to go ahead and get ready for the day.

But then, he saw my phone lighting up.

On the home screen, was a few notifications for Wattpad.

My Vinnie Vincent stories were already getting more and more popular everyday.

Curious about what they were about, Vinnie went to go take a look while he was getting ready in the bathroom.

It took him a little bit on how to figure out my password, and when he finally did, he had access to my stories.

Most of them were sweet and just about me and Vinnie in general.

And when Vinnie read some of the more "intimate" stories, his face was red from blushing.

"What...does she...really think of that"?

Then, he heard Emily getting out of bed.

Vinnie went on to be in a hurry to get dressed for the day.

When he came out of the bathroom, Emily was giggling at how much he was blushing.

"So you like my stories, huh"?

She put her hands on her hips with playful smirk.

"'re a good writer".

Vinnie wasn't used to the naughty side of a collection of stories that were written about him by Emily.

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