Chapter Eight

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Secretly, Emily was already feeling a little bit nervous and shy at the same.

Vinnie had been given a condom by Demon.

And needless to say, he wasn't interested in doing intimate things with me.

He had already threw away that thing in the trash can.

"We don't have to share rooms if you don't want to...

The older man said, and Emily smiled at him a little bit.

Emily let out a sigh and then smiled as Vinnie crawled into bed next to her.

"I don't think I'll ever be doing that birds and the beds stuff, because I really don't like it".

Vinnie understood what Emily was saying to him.

He reached out and put a gentle hand on Emily's cheek, stroking it a few times lovingly.

Emily was quiet for a moment or two, and then she reached out and turned off the light for some better peace, quiet, and privacy.

"Want to cuddle with me"?

Vinnie asked, breaking the silence.

He chuckled with a playful grin as soon as Emily excitedly scooted herself closer to the guitar shredder.

Emily blushed with a giggle as Vinnie wrapped his arms around her.

"I can't wait for you to meet my dogs, they are going to love you. Just as much as I do".

Emily felt her heart beat with love and she smiled.

"Aw...I love you too Vinnie".

With a yawn, she laid her down on the pillow and then fell into a peaceful slumber.

Vinnie smiled and then he told Emily goodnight before falling asleep as well.

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