Chapter One

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"This is beautiful...look at the ocean waves".

Starchild, who was seated in the passenger front seat, pointed his finger to the glittering water.

"I hope they have plenty of water bottles, they said that it gets really hot out here".

Catman was already beginning to sweat because he was feeling hot.

Once their limo pulled into the beach parking lot, they got their stuff out from the trunk and then began making their way to the sand filled area.

A big sign was being posted on the ground.

It said:

Warning! Marine Stingers are present in these waters. Swim at your own risk!

"Strange, what could possibly be so scary"?

Gene shrugged his shoulders as they all started to walk across the boardwalk.

'It's the box jellyfish, that's what so scary".

A female voice spoke from behind them.

The four of them turned around to see a twenty-two year old woman who had thin markings on both of her legs.

She was carrying her purse around her shoulder.

"Can you tell us more about that sign over there"?

Starchild asked the girl politely, and smiled.

"Yeah...that sign is trying to warn you for a reason. The box jellyfish is the most deadliest sea creature in Australia. It's venom can literally kill you in just a few second".

The four men shivered at the thought of it.

"Wow, that is scary".

Spaceman scratched the back of his hand.

Then, they saw an older man that looked to be about a few years older than her.

"Hey there baby. Wanna come back to my house and have some fun"?

Demon didn't trust this guy at all.

The girl looked a little bit worried about her safety.

"No thank you..."

She backed away and stood next to the Starchild, and he put a gentle hand on her shoulder with a reassuring smile.

After the guy left, the group decided to walk around the beach.

Kiss and the girl who was immune to the box jellyfish Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang