Chapter Three

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The group then made a run for the limo and once they got inside, Spaceman told the driver on where to go.

After that, they were finally on the road.

Emily took put her phone and was sighing softly as she scrolled through her photo collection of Vinnie Vincent.

"Is that...Vinnie"?

Demon asked, almost not recognizing the guitarist.

"Yeah...this was taken at the Merry Metal Christmas party".

Emily had a look of romance on her face.

"Do you really like him"?

Starchild grinned and Spaceman playfully nudged him in the shoulder.

"Yeah...he's so...gorgeous".

Red hearts appeared in Emily's eyes like in a cartoon.

"Aw, she's blushing".

The Catman grinned playfully and Emily laughed and threw a pillow at him.

They all shared a laugh.

When they got to the hotel, Emily got a room for herself and as she was making herself comfortable, the guys got an idea.

"Let's give Vinnie a call...maybe they'll hit it off together"!

Starchild whispered as everyone awed at how cute my reaction was going to be.

After Emily had taken a shower, she put on a white robe and sat down on the bed, brushing her hair.

"Hey sweetie...can we come in for a second? We want to show you something.

Starchild said after Spaceman knocked on the door.

Emily got up from the bed and let them in.

"Are you ready..."?

A voice on Demon's cell phone said through the speakers.

Emily's eyes lit up as she instantly recognized that familiar voice.

"Vinnie...? Is that really you"??

Starchild and Catman were snickering as the twenty-two year old's cheeks started to turn pink from blushing so much.

"It's very nice to meet you..."

Emily bashfully smiled, as the guys left the room to give them some privacy.

But they all were curious about Vinnie's conversation with Emily, and now they had their ears pressed against the doors so they could listen.

"I don't know if I ever met you at the Christmas party, did I"?

Emily almost giggled and smiled at the same time.

"No, I wasn't there".

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