hunter exam arc ❚ boredom ✕ control ✕ failure

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[ 287th Hunter Exam | Current number of examinees: 25 ]


Two hours of boat ride later, the group finally managed to reach their destination. The assistant huntress--a young woman named Kara--sent them out at regular intervals in the exact order which they completed the tower in.

With only three people leaving before her, Eirene didn't have to wait much. Not that she was in any rush: as her turn came up, she walked into the bushes like she was simply taking a stroll in her house garden--which, by records, wasn't that far from reality.

She honestly didn't have much to do. Her target was a big "no" since she didn't want Illumi to sic Mike on her as soon as they were home, therefore she'd have to simply find three random one pointers.

«Man... the exam really is boring...»

Her comment got lost to the loud cawing of a local bird flying away from a tree she just surpassed. Curious, since the creature seemed to be running away from something that scared it. Sighing to herself, she dropped her In and activated her En.

Instantly, she knew where the man following her was.

«Come out already, I'm not going to kill you without reason.» her voice rang among the trees' foliage, eyes fixed on a specific point in the shadows on top of a tree. A moment later, rustling of leaves filled the silence and a barely audible "thump" announced the ninja's presence.

Eirene eyed him up carefully. «You're the one that finished the tower before me.» she couldn't remember his number, but either case he'd be as good as anyone else.

«Yes, my name's Hanzo and I'm a ninja from--»

«I was sure that ninjas favored less showy introductions, but please. Do continue.»

The young man frowned upon being interrupted and dropped his friendly approach a little. She saw him interact with others while they waited at the base of the tower and he did seem someone akin to an oddball--he was only playing the role, then.

«I wanted to offer you an alliance. We could work together to get our targets' badges and finish this phase as peacefully a possible.» Hanzo explained, voice careful but decisive.

The assassin appreciated his guts: he could've tried to escape when she called out to him, yet here he was trying to not only make it out alive but also bargaining for something bigger.

«Were you tailing me specifically to ask this or it's just that you happened to casually spot me first?»

The response came after a few seconds and with a little hesitation in his voice. «I... the first thing you said. I wanted to ask you

«Hm. Well, thank you for your sincerity,» I would have killed you if you lied, «but I'm not really interested in alliances. I know who my objective is and I've already decided that I'll get one pointers to pass. Since we're at that, would you mind giving me your tag?»

Hanzo's skin color wasn't as light as hers, but it did pale quite a bit after her reply. She could see him panic a little. Maybe more than a little. That only spurred her on taking advantage of his fear and have a little fun.


«Is that a no

She sent out her aura and the man just jumped a few meters back, as if he just touched a scorching hot piece of metal. Sensitive much? The guy must be a natural... or already initiated to the manipulation of aura.

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