hunter exam arc ❚ trick tower ✕ judgement ✕ friends

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The airship was supplied with all kinds of comfort, from the cafeteria where one could order almost any food to their liking and some other amenities meant to pass time.

After the "welcoming speech" from the chairman, everyone was free to spend the night hours however they fitted best to. Resting was the most natural thing to do for most, especially after filling their stomach with food.

Eirene, too, chose that option in a way: after a quick snack and a cup of black coffee, she slipped out on a secluded balcony at the far end of the ship. The night, cold wind sent her blonde locks swishing all over the place--that is, until she opted to tie them in a messy braid.

Waiting often proved to be a challenge for her, her occasional mood swings not working in her favor, but if Zeno taught her a way to fight that, it would be meditation.

Folding her legs under herself on the floor, back straight and hands resting on her lap--"the sitting posture for a proper lady", her mind supplied in Kikyo's voice--she let her mind go blank, focusing only on her senses and perceptions.

Sure, training with En wasn't really a relaxing activity, but it helped burning a good amount of energy.

Starting slowly, the woman extended her aura meter by meter with ease. Every day, she repeated the process and forced her aura to expand just a little more each time--to be able to master the technique and reach a 50 meters sounded nice, but to surpass even Zeno's record of 300 meters sounded even better to her.

She made a bet with the man: if she managed to reach and surpass him before she turned 30, he'd listen to one of her request unconditionally. The fact that he accepted (clearly expecting her to fail) only stroked her competitiveness further.




[ 287th Hunter Exam | Current number of examinees: 40 ]




When morning came the assassin woman rejoined the rest of the group as the zeppelin landed on top of tower in the middle of nowhere, stretching her limbs and back like a cat.

Admittedly, her personal training session left her with both satisfaction and crankiness equally divided, but she readily dismissed the fact when the little magical creature started explaining what the next phase would consist in.

«We're on top of the Trick Tower. This is where you'll enter the third phase. As for the test itself, the examiners have informed me that you have 72 hours to reach the base of Trick Tower alive.»

«I have a question. Will I be able to pass if I climb down?»

«Why, of course you will. There are no limitations as to how you get there, but I advise you all to ponder well about your actions.»

With those final statement and a few other words of encouragement for the applicants, the magical beast departed once again on the airship. Some of the forty remaining examinees kept looking up for a few more moments, before they actually started looking for a way down.

Eirene walked idly towards the edge of the tower. A gust of wind met her face, making her squint her eyes a bit.

A jump like this could end up very bad, even using nen to enhance my legs. Still, climbing down sounds like a little too easy... 

As if on cue, a scream echoed in the air; the woman looked in that direction for a moment, noting the presence of giant, ugly, winged creatures that were already figthing over an applicant's body. 

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